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I look back to Harry who's eyes are tight shut as he stutters to find words.

"Um... I didn't mean to sound rude... you know I think you're beautiful... but" he stutters then shakes his head looking down to the floor, "I'm sorry".

His head is bowed down. I furrow my eyebrows. He's really not himself for some reason. I feel my gaze soften as my eyebrows return to the normal position. I walk over to him in the doorway and reach my hand to him lifting his chin up by my finger.

His eyes follow slowly behind and connect with mine. I stroke my hand from his chin around his head to the back of his neck and twiddle with a curl in my finger.

"What's wrong?" I whisper and I feel Harrys breath fan my face in frustration, "You can tell me?" I smile weakly and his phone starts to ring snapping our attentions.

Harry pulls himself out of my grip and walks out the room to his phone. I feel my mouth part. His phone is literally going to drive me up the wall, I'm serious. I close the door harshly and pull my underwear off.

I hear Harrys voice mumble through the door across the phone making my blood boil. It's like he'd rather be on his phone then actually speak to me. I walk over to the bath side and flick my hair over the back of my shoulders. As I do I catch myself in the mirror.

I swallow and stand up straight turning to the side looking down at my stomach. I tilt my head side to side to see the change in stomach angle.

I can sort of see it. Harrys right, I can see what he's saying. There's the tiniest bump, I've lost weight the rest of my body but my stomach pokes out a little.

But why would he just come out with that? It's like a little rude. He's really not himself. I focus back to my stomach.

Very very very small bump.

I feel my eyes sting with a tear. I don't know why. I don't know if it's happy, sad, scared, nervous, or simply the mix of all of them. I feel the water stain my cheek as it drops. I inhale a deep breath and continue my stepping into the bath.

I lower myself into the hot water as it engulfs my body. I wrap my arms around my legs pulling them to my chest and close my eyes resting my temple on my knee.

I feel my body start to sweat from the heat raising from the water and another tear falls. I don't know why? I just feel like it's all a bit overwhelming at the moment, seeing a small bump, being in America and then Harry comes out being like a total arse.

I hear Harry open the door but I keep my eyes closed. I don't want him to see that I've cried. I don't want him to think it was him that made me cry, because it was just a mix of things.

Harry rustles around for a moment until
I feel two hands on my shoulders making me look up lifting my head.

Harrys completely naked but all I look at is his eyes. They're so green and loving, like his mood has flown completely out the window. He steps one foot in the bath behind me making me slip forward giving him more room.

He lowers his body down behind me slipping his feet either side of my body, his arms wrap around my waist and pull me back against his body. I lay my back against his chest as Harrys arms pull me into a hug. I close my eyes and Harry lets out a relaxing breath.

We sit in a minute of silence before mouth just speaks without thinking.

"Please talk to me?" I mumble as Harry lets another breath out.

The whole time of being pregnant, I haven't really got anything from Harry feelings wise. He seems to bottle mostly everything up, but for the reason that he wants to protect me. When Harry doesn't answer I turn my head to the side to look at him in the corner of my eye.

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