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Monday 2nd December.

The last few days, not going to lie, have been hectic. I can't wait to get away now from everything. I assumed, that because Harry had planned this trip, he would be taking a big role in the helping get organised, but I was wrong. Since the meal, he's been working like crazy, meeting up with many people for what he says are business meetings and been out nearly every day for hours. I've done all the prep, I've had to buy Darcy summery and warm weather clothes for the holiday in the short space of time I've known about it, bought stuff for myself and packed both of our stuff. Harry's stuff was packed this morning when he got up, so I'm begging her hasn't forgotten anything.

"Molly, the cars here" I hear Harry's voice calls up the stairs to me in the bedroom. Harry took all the cases down earlier from the bedroom leaving me, Darcy and my hand luggage still up here. The brief sound of the front door opening and low voices downstairs made me realise we were actually leaving now.

It's 5:30 in the morning, and our flights at 8. We wanted to get to the airport around 6ish so we could get our cases checked in and get some breakfast for us and Darcy. She had a bottle when I woke up at around 4 but has been sleeping ever since then in the car seat. As soon as I fed her I knew she would go back to sleep, so smart me decided to let her sleep in the car seat so we didn't have to disturb her when we leave.

I sling the bag over my shoulder, with my headphones in, phone, blanket and the rest are baby stuff, for the long flight ahead. He had a fiddle around the with the flights and we're now flying on a new direct flight with upgrade in seats so we have more room for Darcy. He's booked an extra seat, so if Darcy sleeps, we can have her in the middle of her us so she doesn't have to be uncomfortable on our laps or anything which is kinda smart idea.

Harry's footsteps jog up the stairs revealing him in the doorway. He's wearing all black, joggers, t shirt, coat and vans with sunglasses resting on his collar.

"You got everything?" He smiles, reaching his and down as he usually does to pick up Darcy's car seat in his right hand. I nod taking a deep breath tapping the Louis Vuitton bag hanging buy my side. The bag was massive, like I didn't think it would class as a carry on but apparently it's it's under the size limit. Baby stuff bulks everything up.

"I think so, are they putting everything in the car?" I ask walking towards the door, Harry nods following behind me flicking off the lights as we make our way down the stairs.

"Yeah," he pauses as we get to the downstairs hallway. His eyes scanning the room, "Have I turned everything off?" He purses his lips.

"I've gone around to check so we're okay" I smile, letting the grin of excitement grow the more I think of the holiday. I just can't wait to get away and have our own space for a while, just to have the sea air in the morning. I'm so excited.

Harry smiles and holds his hand out to guide me through the front door like a gentlemen.

"Let's go" he smiles, I look down to the floor to see all the suitcases that were they're gone, assuming they're in the car I was out the front door holding the keys in my hand. Harry follows behind with Darcy and closes the door, allowing me to lock it up.

The journey was easy, we didn't really speak in the car, Darcy was asleep and I was close to joining her while Harry just sat there with his eye closed letting out heavy breaths which made me realise, he was asleep too. We got to the airport, all climbing out of the car and me going to back to get the bags. Harry picks Darcy up, out of her seat and rests her on his chest. "The buggies in the back babe" he calls as he closes the car door.

"You brought a buggy?" I mumble and Harry nods walking all the way around the boot. The drop of section of the airport was kinda full, no one taking any notice of Harry though. We haven't been out in a public place like this in a while, so it's going to be funny seeing people staring at Harry all the time again.

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