Chapter 4

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This is it, she thought as she stood before the big wooden door. This is the moment I start my own story. Or better yet a quest. Yes, that sounds better. Uff...

Constance's thoughts were taking the best of her as she tried to avoid the feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was pacing back and forth trying to gather the courage to enter the room.

Back at Deidra's cottage she had made a decision and she intended to follow through. She was going to figure out Regulus Black if it were the last thing she'd do.

Finally for the last time she shook her head to clear her thoughts and repeated why she was there.

Confidently yet catiously she pushed the door open calling out, "Hello?"

There was silence for a few moments, still she took a step forward, "Is anybody here?"

"You are seriously asking that? Have you ever talked with anybody, but me in this room?" a sudden seemingly annoyed yet playful voice answered making the girl take in a shakey breath at the sound.

The voice was almost unrecognisable from the last time her ears heard it however it still managed to send small shivers through her body. "Hello to you too," Con replied trying to avoid the topic and thankfully the boy left it too.

The room had very dim lighting but Constance had no trouble finding her way around the piles to her usual hiding spot. And as she looked through the familiar window she couldn't help, but feel a slight pang at the memories.

As she gazed through the window her eyes lingered on her faint reflexion. Gently she touched the window trying to recognise her so called shadow. She noticed her blue eyes that actually seemed pretty angry maybe determined. It was odd seeing that expression on herself. Especially since she never did like looking at herself.

"How long have you been here?"the girl decided to ask.

"About an hour,"the boy simply answered throwing a various things around searching through the piles.

"Great," Constance spat out surprising even herself with her hostility.

"Well someone's in a foul mood." For some unknown reason Regulus seemed to be in an unusually happy mood. Like nothing could bother him which definately wasn't how Constance remembered him.

"No, I am not," she tried to deny it.

"I'm simply stating-"

The Hufflepuff had no idea where the anger was coming from, but all of a sudden she couldn't help but start to argue. "Stating what? That I can't be in a bad mood? That girl's shouldn't show their anger? That they should just get over it?"

"No, I-"

Again the boy got caught off as the girl continued her speech lost in her anger.

"How many times have you crashed this room? How many times have you cursed and yelled at people? And let's face it nor you or I come to this room for the joy of it all..."

For a moment everything went still. There was no noise. No movement. Both just stood on their separate sides thinking about Constance's words.

Eventhough Regulus would have never done this before he felt this foreign need to comfort her. To calm her down.

Maybe it was only him feeling guilty or him being glad to have someone to talk to but before he could really think it over he started his own speech. "What I was trying to say, before you directed your rage at me, was that you should show your anger. You shouldn't hold it in. You should scream, shout, break things... Just don't keep it in. " He paused for a second shocked at the calmness in his voice. It sounded so vulnerable, even weak for someone of his up-bringing yet he went on.

A Warlock's Hairy Heart {Regulus A. Black}Where stories live. Discover now