Chapter 14

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She was standing in the mids of the crowd of parents on the platform. Unlike them she wasn't unpatiently pacing back and forth or conversing with some of the other parents.

Honoria or Merideth as she preferred was standing in her usual place with her back up straight and her eyes fixed forward while she calmly eavesdropped, not that she would ever admit it. She had only once been caught and that had been decades ago. She was about to let the pleasant memory in when she heard the arrival of the train.

The woman simply shook her head before the children started bursting off the train. However Merideth didn't have to wait long as she soon heard a familiar voice.

"See you after the holidays."


It didn't take long for the woman to spot her. The blonde hair and in her opinion a bit too loud voice gave her away quickly. But the girl had also noticed her quickly.

Even before the girl made her way to her she knew exactly what she would ask. That was why Merideth Nutcombe responded as she did.

"I see you've been sticking your nose into things that don't concern you. As always." Constance's blue eyes slowly went to the ground before she clenched her fists trying to gather the courage to say something.

Merideth studied her as she did this. There were this small subtle changes on her like everytime she returned. And as the years passed by the changes started becoming more visible. But not only physical changes were present. The older woman could see that the quiet little girl was becoming not so quiet anymore.

"Professor Dumbledore told you," the Hogwarts student realised although she didn't seem too surprised. When Miss Nutcombe didn't reply she continued,"If it concerns the people I care about I think it does concern me."

"We will talk about this at home," she said quietly looking Constance straight in the eye. At that the older woman calmly turned around and started walking towards the exit with Constance left to follow her.


As soon as they got to the mansion Miss Nutcombe went to fetch some tea while Constance was told to carry her bags up to her room then wait for the woman in the library.

The girl knew it was better to listen to Miss Nutcombe so she read over the titles of the books on the shelves eventhough she pretty much knew them by heart by now.

The girl knew it was better to listen to Miss Nutcombe so she read over the titles of the books on the shelves eventhough she pretty much knew them by heart by now

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King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Sherlock Holmes
Call of The Wild
The Great Gatsby


nd many more muggle and wizard books standing alongside each other. If only wizards could do the same some day, the girl thought. She wasn't as oblivious as many of the other students were. She could feel the tension in the wizarding world rising and she knew nothing good was about to come.

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