Chapter 27

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"Finally we meet," Regulus said as they stood there watching one another.

After that sentence they both seemed at loss for words. Constance kept thinking how did Regulus feel now that he knew who his friend from the room of Requirement was. Was he disappointed? Will he start bullying her? Will he make fun of her? Condemn her for not meeting him in the owlery that evening? Soon the thought's became too much for her, so she decided to speak.

"Did you figure it out just now or did your suspicion start that day at the train station? Just before you started being nice to me in public." Connie referred to that day at the train station, just after the holidays. The weird moment where Regulus started to talk to her, whilst waiting for the train. That is before Dirk had interuppted.

Regulus seemed confused by the current situation too.  His head full of thoughts. They had both imagined this situation thousands of times before. But when push came to shove, neither knew exactly what to do. Do they act like their public selves?

He could have answered her question by saying he knew all along. But that wouldn't have been true. Yes, her presence seemed to calm him, but it was only after her usage of the same exact words that he was certain. However he didn't feel like revealing that. That would mean she had the power in the conversation. So he averted answering with another question.

"Why did you stand me up?"

When Constance just stared at him, Regulus neared her with more determination and a look that demanded answers.

"Why" he paused after hissing the word out, "did you not... show... up?"

Constance could see he tried to threaten her. She realised he had just showed his hurt to her. By asking he had admited his hurt in his head. So the only way to cover that up was with a threat. It hurt Constance that he didn't trust her enough to reveal his hurt. Yet did she trust him to not turn his back on her for being a mudblood? Therefor she inhaled before quietly replying, "You would think I lied if I told you."

Regulus took another step towards the girl. Being so close he could see her blue eyes had some yellow flecks in them. "Try me," he challenged her. Ignoring the hurt that night had caused him. He wanted to know.

Constance didn't budge she held his gaze without an ounce of fear. That still surprised Regulus- the lack of fear.

"I do owe you that, don't I?" Constance asked without expectating an answer. She knew she had to do it. She and Nicholas figured it was the only way to gain Regulus' forgivness. Although there was a big chance he wouldn't believe her. Still she decided to be as truthful as she could be.

"First you should know. I was on my way to the owlery just a few minutes before 5." She paused searching Regulus' face, but found nothing except a strong poker face.

"I was in such a hurry, not wanting to be late, I ran through Hogwarts. Sadly when I turned the corner, I crashed into quite a large man, got knocked to the floor and hurt my head." Absent-mindedly she touched the place where the bump had been. Regulus noticed that, but didn't comment." He then took me to the infirmary. When I finally managed to make my way to the owlery. I was an hour late and you were gone. "

When she finished her story, Con looked away. "But I am sorry if I hurt you." Constance added after remembering what Nicholas had told her about that night. How heartbroken Regulus seemed to have been.

Regulus scuffed at the last comment and opened his mouth to probably deny he was ever hurt when the girl interuppted him.

" There is no shame in admiting you care." After trying to show she meant no harm to him, she weaseled herself away from Regulus and went to clean another part of the room.

A Warlock's Hairy Heart {Regulus A. Black}Where stories live. Discover now