Chapter 3

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"It is so nice to see you again," Deidra stated when Constance finally came around for a visit that year. It was now the end of September and 6th year was no piece of cake. There were assignments in almost every class Constance was continuing, which excluded astronomy and divination. But it was Friday afternoon when the girl had found herself clueless of what to do.

Last year or any year before for that matter she would have gone to her special room. The room of Requirement. However the moment she was about to turn the corner to face the door her promis to herself resurfaced. She didn't know what had driven Regulus Black to say all those horrible things to her last year and although she wanted nothing more then to confront him she was terrified.

She was terrified of what would happen if she were to reveal herself to him. Last year she had almost done that, but now she was more than determined to keep her identity a secret. All she wanted to know was how the boy she had become close friends with over the year could hurt her like that. Of course he didn't know he hurt her, but that didn't change things for her.

He still hurt someone badly and Constance wasn't just about to forget that. That was how she found herself infront of Deidra's cottage.

The girl was just sitting down on the sofa when the older woman started walking around with a thousand different things on her mind. "Let me get us some tea," she stated bringing Constance out of her thoughts just before disappearing to the small kitchen.

She seemed a bit different since the last time they had seen each other. As Constance noticed her eyes looked tired and her hair, which was braided like always, was a bit messier than usual.

Calmly Constance decided to wait for Deidra on the comfortable sofa not sure what was up with her. Maybe it was only her imagination playing tricks on her since the two women hadn't known each other for that long.

"Here we are," Deidra announced as she entered the living room with a tray in hand. Graciously she poured the tea into two cups encouraging Constance to take one and by doing so her shirt's sleave rode up her hand revealing some really bad looking scars running across her arm.

 Graciously she poured the tea into two cups encouraging Constance to take one and by doing so her shirt's sleave rode up her hand revealing some really bad looking scars running across her arm

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"Are you alright?" Constance asked catiously not sure of how the Bulstrode woman would react to the question, but she couldn't help it any longer. The scars were a bit too much.

It didn't take long for Deidra to figure out what the girl's eyes were fixed upon and not even a second later her sleave was already pulled back down.

"Oh, you shouldn't fret about that dear. I get loads of these kind of scars from working in the garden," the woman explained with a smile, which for some reason didn't look entirely honest to Constance. However there was no point in asking Deidra further as she swiftly changed the flow of the conversation,"Why don't you try the tea? I tried something new this time and I'd really like to know what you think about it."

Constance lightly smiled at that looking at the orange shade of the tea slowly lifting it closer to her lips and taking a small sip which quickly turned into bigger ones.

"Mmm," the girl nodded at the bitter-sweet taste. It was exactly what the Hufflepuff liked. "What is this? It's delicious."

Deidra's sweet smile only widened at Con's approval,"I added just a tad of Fanged Geranium. It makes all the difference doesn't it?"

Constance nodded taking a few more mouthfulls of the drink as politely as she could at the time.

"Would you like me to show you how to make it?" Deidra asked observing the girl contently.

"Yes,of course. I would love to learn if it isn't too much trouble for you-"

"Don't be ridiculous," she waved her off and stood up waiting for Constance to follow her lead, which she did with a beaming smile. "You could tell me all about your summer vacation meanwhile."

Deidra grabbed the girl's arm and pulled her lightly into the kitchen.


"That's amazing,"exclaimed the Hufflepuff a few hours later after writing and learning all about using Fanged Geranium for tea making. Constance couldn't help, but be amazed at Deidra's knowledge as she told her about so many different herbs and tips about using them in different potions, which would definately help in potions class. For some reason professor Slughorn had decided she passed her O.W.L.s eventhough she was probably rubbish in potions.

Afterwards Constance offered her help in cleaning up."I can see that there is something bothering you," Deidra said as they were washing one of the pots. Apparently both of them prefered to do things by hand.

At those words Con opened her mouth to deny it but got stopped by Deidra's risen hand.

"Don't even try. I'd recognise that expression in my sleep."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Like a flower to a child," Deidra replied drying up the cup in her hand.

Constance could only sigh to herself before turning off the water and glancing at the older woman.

"Do you want to tell me what's been bothering you?" the woman asked when she noticed the girl's calculating stare on her.

Constance narrowed her eyes slightly at the mention of her confiding in a woman she barely knew, but for some reason she couldn't do it. She couldn't trust yet another stranger again.

"I'd rather try and figure it out myself first," she explained returning to the dishes.

"Of course," Deidra answered wearing a different smile now. A sweet yet bitter one.

However at that time something else was on Constance's mind.


In the darkness of the room he sat which was apparently becoming his hobby as of late. The shadows gave him some comfort, they gave him peace in a way. As did the room itself. The air, the space, the lost things thrown around.

The whole thing made him think of the mess in his life. Not that he minded serving the Dark Lord. He felt honoured however it did have its impact on his life. He knew that his life would be different the moment he received the mark that was now decorating his arm. It was just not what he expected.

As his head fell to the side he saw the chair he had broken in his tantrum that day.

The day didn't start up bad it was actually starting as a very promising day until they finished class. Evan Rosier had got the best of Regulus again when he began challenging him in class which all led to a big fight with a younger student in the corridors and Mcgonagall trying to resolve the situation.

Afterward Regulus went his way straight into the one place he could find sanctuary from all the 'noise' as he liked to call it.

The boy remembered the punches the younger Gryffindor student managed to give him when he touched his lower bleeding lip. It was begining to swell a bit which for some reason made the boy smirk slightly.

He was just about to stand up when he heard a crack from the door. His eyes becoming wide with surprise.


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