Chapter 25

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Dear Constance,
it's been a few weeks since the accident and Miss Nutcombe is getting more cranky every minute she has to be still. I never realised how much she actually moved around the house until now. I tried to convince her to lay down and let us do the work, but I swear if a stare could kill there would only be a puddle left of me. Was she always like that?

How is school? I am certain there are thousands of tests to study for. Did you go to any Quidditch games? Who won?

Yours sincerly,
Ronnie the Remy genious

Constance smiled rolling her eyes at his signature. He really was a piece of art. As she put aside the letter she sighed focusing her eyes on the dark waters infront of her.

The snow had melted and it was starting to look like spring. Even the sun seemed to shine brighter and the birds and other animals livelier.

What has my life turned into? she quietly thought to herself watching the sun slowly near the horizon. She felt like the whole world was becoming crazier each day at a time.

First even agreeing to meet Regulus in person, then knockinging into Aberforth and meeting Nicholas... Where had her normal boring reading and writing days gone?

Luckily for her Maurice hadn't yet got the chance to ask how her meeting went and she wasn't ready to tell him either. For the last few days she has been trying just to focus on school and friends. She even tried visiting Deidra, but was greeted with only a note saying she won't be home for a few days.

Absentmindedly Constance rubbed the bump that had healed quite well in the last few days. Where was Deidra disappearing off to?

Suddenly deep voices emerged from the girl's left. Swiftly she packed her things and hid behind the nearest bushes.

"How can you be certain? Jane would have meantioned it to me," a male voice all too familiar to the girl sounded now nearer.

"Because while you were getting over your hurt pride I tried to help her," the headmaster's voice answered.

What were they doing here? And they were talking of Jane. She had to hear this Constance thought maybe the mystery would finally be solved.

The other voice, who Constance was almost certain was Aberforth, grumbled a bit before speaking. "She would have told me of a child."

Constance's eyes widdened.

"Not after the way you parted. You practically threw her out."

The atmosphere seemed as tense as ever as a short silenece followed.

"I never forced her to leave. That was a decision she made completely on her own."

Hadn't Ronnie said Jane didn't have any children? Did he lie? Why? And who was the child? Did something happen to it? However another question tagged at her conscience, one she wasn't completely sure she wanted to acknowledge.

"You did nothing to make her stay either," Dumbledore quietly added to his brother.

"And you are sure it is the Hufflepuff?"

"The resemblance is too big to ignore it."

"But how? The wolf attack? She would have died and the child with her..." Aberforth wasn't ready to accept his brother's explenation and to tell the truth neither was Constance.

"Only hours after the girl was born Jane decided it was safest to leave the child in an orphanage. She knew anywhere else would be dangerous for the girl."

A Warlock's Hairy Heart {Regulus A. Black}Where stories live. Discover now