Chapter 23

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The Hogwarts courtyard had mountains of snow covering the sleeping grass underneath it. In the far corner was a tree that was yet to grow into its' majestic size, and with the snow weighing down its branches it looked even smaller and fragile than usual. At least that was Regulus' opinion as he sat on the cold stone window seat observing and drawing the outside world. Lucky for him it was lunch time, which means there wasn't a soul to comment on his hobbies.

This has actually become a usual thing for him. Skipping out on meals to draw, mostly when he was nervous. Not that he would aknowledge that... That day was no different.

It was the day of his agreed meeting with the girl. He had been so determined, so focused a few days ago on solving the "forsaken" mystery. No person should be so calm in his presence as the Hufflepuff was. And neither should he be calm in any presence for that matter. Calmness, vulnerbility, attachment... In his line of work could lead to certain death.

Nontheless it was the girl from the room that helped him. It was the room itself that hid him from the world for at least an hour. It was his shelter. But that was because of the anonymity that he had felt that. With that gone what would be left there? Could he even trust the girl?

"Regulus!" he suddenly heard someone down the hall call out. In reflex he shut the book close within seconds, shoving it behind his bag next to him.

The boy turned around only to see Everette Nott walking towards him while Evan Rosier stood in place with his usual smug face.

"What?" Regulus asked averting his eyes from Rosier's familiar look of contempt. Someone is going to get hurt, Regulus thought.

Everett however had what one might call twinkling eyes. "We thought you'd like to join in the fun. We are heading towards the Black lake. Apparently some mudd-blood insulted Barty Jr.. I can't wait to see that mudblood beg him to stop. "

Everett sighed with pleasure, which the memory gave him. "So are you coming?"

In the distance a dark figure came into view. The figure glanced his way. Regulus hesitated only for a moment before knowing what his answer will be to Everett's question.



"Curse my big mouth. I can be quiet for days, but no when it comes to Reggie the dinosaur I say the silliest idea that comes to my mind. What in Merlin's beard is wrong with me?" Constance ranted to her confused friend walking around the castle grounds with her." What should I do Rice?"

Maurice furrowed his brow as he tried to comprehend what the girl was telling him." Didn't you say it was his suggestion to meet? "

" True, but I said yes."

Maurice exagerated a nod to show his understanding.

"I even suggested the place and hour to meet." Constance hit her head lightly before throwing her hands in the air. "What was I thinking?!?"

Maurice calmly raised an eyebrow, stopped walking and turned to the side to look at his dear friend. "Are you done with being a drama queen?"

"I think thaf position is occupied by Vince," Con joked. "He can make anything seem like a Shakespearian tragedy. "

The red headed boy ignored her snarky comment and put a serious expression on his face. "Would it really be that bad?"

"What?" asked the Hufflepuff glancing at her friend's steady gaze.

"You know what."

Con looked into the snow under her feet. Would it be that horrible to meet Regulus in person? To look him in the eye? To let him see her? Would he even show up?

A Warlock's Hairy Heart {Regulus A. Black}Where stories live. Discover now