Chapter 20

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It was a few days into the new part of the school year when Constance finally managed to get to Hogsmeade without anyone actually noticing her absence. She was still not as calm and collected as she would have liked to have been. Worries of Miss Nutcombe kept occupaying her mind, but that was normal. She would get news about her state of being soon anyhow. At least that was what she was promised by Ray.

That was also why she was heading towards the owlery on that bright winter day.

As the year was progressing there was more and more school work to do and the thing with Miss Nutcombe didn't help her concetration at all. However it wasn't the only pressing matter occupaying her mind. Actually there were so many thoughts surfing around her brain she had no idea where to start. Therefor she decided to make a list.

While she was ascending the stairs she sorted her problems by urgency.

1. Find out about Miss Nutcombe amd her wellbeing.
2. Visit Deidra and find out what was her friend's (Jane's) surname
3. Find out if Regulus has any suspicions about her identity.
4. Talk to Dirk.
5. If Jane has nothing to do with me. Then why did I get her diary as a present? Who gave me the gift? Could it be Dumbledore?

The list could have gone on forever, but she decided to settle for the few things she deemed most important. Finally she reached the top only to notice she wasn't the only one there.

Sitting on the stone window was no one else but Dirk. His long slim legs stretched out on the wall. He seemed a bit distant as he sat there. No usual smiles. No spark in his eyes.

Constance really didn't know what to think of the whole thing. The way he had acted at the train station. It was unusually uncharacteristic for him. He acted so possessive, over-protective, even mean... Unlike his usual self, he didn't wait for her side of things. He just acted. Thinking his way was the right way. He resembled Regulus for a moment. Or at least the public persona of Regulus. It was the absolute opposite of him.

She sighed quietly before taking a step towards the boy. Well, it looks like the talk is going to happen sooner than intended.

When the boy heard someone approach he turned abruptly. If it were Con she would have lost her balance. But not Dirk. He had as much balance as any other sport enthusiast.

"Hey," he greeted a wide-eyed expression displaying on his face. It was like he was a hunter trying not to scare a deer.

"Hi," Constance glanced up at his warm eyes trying to figure out if he would yell at her again. "Can we talk?"

"Sure," Dirk gave her a quick and awkward smile before gesturing for her to sit, which she happily did.

Silence fell between the two as Constance looked out at the scenery to calm herself down. When the cold wind blew lightly towards her, she almost closed her eyes at the pleasure.

"I'm sorry," she suddenly heard Dirk say, which quickly brought her back from the carless state she was entering. When she looked at him, he shrugged into himself like he was ashamed. "I should have never yelled at you. I should have listened. It wasn't right of me to just barge in and than blame everything on you."

Constance exhaled deeply. The way Dirk looked at her now was strange. Like he was afraid of her in a way. He waited for her response, but she had none.

A Warlock's Hairy Heart {Regulus A. Black}Where stories live. Discover now