Chapter 13

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There was one final thing Con had to do before boarding the train. She had just snuck out of the castle for a bit as she had learnt through the years, which Deidra gave her a few 'innocent tips for and that was exactly where Con was headed. To talk to Deidra one last time before the holidays.

The talk with Dumbledore was a bit odd. At least the part about Aberforth after that he kept asking of Miss Nutcombe and even about the Remys. At which point Constance gathered the courage to ask a question.

"Professor, could I ask you something? It's about the Remys."

Dumbledore simply shifted his gaze from the mirror towards the fairhaired girl. He gave a simple barely visible nod giving the girl permission to ask.

"Is it possible... Actually no... Did Mr. And Mrs. Remy ever have a child? A son maybe?" as she asked this she only hopped that Dumbledore wouldn't have asked where she got information from. But at the same time she hopped he would. For if he did she would finally find out if he was her secret Santa or not.

However Dumbledore gave her no clue. The only change Constance noticed was a slight twinkle in his eyes. It was like he knew something she didn't yet again. Usually she wouldn't just ask people of this. But she wasn't sure Miss Nutcombe would tell her this. She didn't like talking about personal matters.

"The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution," the headmaster absentmindedly spoke. "This time it is not my place to tell you truth. But I am certain if you ask you will find what you seek."

All and all it was an odd conversation but one thing was for certain. She was right. The Remys did have a child and she was determined to find out what happened to him. If she could talk to him maybe he would help her find out who was J. F. and why had she been given the diary as a gift.

She was overjoyed when she finally saw the cottage for Constance was not made for the icy wind blowing harshly into her face.

She made her way throught the snow up to the front porch when she noticed a note hanging on the door.

To my visiter,
I am off to a relative for the holidays. If it's urgent leave a letter.
Deidra Bulstrode


With the train running and smoke hugging the steel machine. About half of the students had already boarded it while others were on their way, in the mids of which Constance was walking stopping only when the smoke revealed an unplesant scene.

Two Slytherin students were not so nicely conversing with some younger student. Constance could already feel her heart slightly breaking at the sight. Should she interwine?

However her thoughts came to an abrupt stop at the sight of a familiar brunette boy telling the Slytherin's something, which made them leave the younger student alone. The two left exchanged a few more words, at which point Con began walking towards the train again.

"I wish more people would put those bullies in their place," a voice sounded in Con's right ear.

Not minding the situation Constance's lips streched into a small smile as she glanced to the side only to see Dirk.
The two had become quite well acquainted with each other and even hung out a few times.

"Hey. Someday they will," Constance replied fixed the strap of her satchel and was about to board the train herself for she saw the young student was now with his friends.

Dirk suddenly stopped the girl by lightly grazing her wrist. "Can I walk you?"

"Of course."

They had just stepped on the train when they saw the two Slytherins that had bullied the young student before.

When they saw the Ravenclaw boy they gave him a glare and then disappeared. "What they do is terrible. No one should treat or be treated like that. I mean how can someone say all those horrible things to a person? Does they not have a heart? If it were up to me I would beat them up so they could see what it is like."

For a second it looked like Constance was not going to reply, but afterwards let out a loud exhale. "I don't think they had a choice."

"What?" Dirk looked horrified as they continued walking down the train searching through the compartments for familiar faces," Of course they had a choice. He had a chance to leave you alone yet he didn't! He deserves punishment like all the others."

Suddenly Constance realised what Dirk was now refering to. She stopped and turned around towards the boy who was walking behind her. She thought for a moment before she started explaining her thoughts on the matter. At first she was calm, then passionate. "Not with that. I think he or them had no chance as a child. We all seem to judge eachother. Purebloods judge us we judge them for their attitude. But are we really that different? They are just kids that were brought up in another enviroment. In another kind of family. Where spitting out mean and cross words was an everyday thing. Where violance, anger, secrets... Loneliness were normal. They witnessed that everyday. How are they supposed to learn the kindness, love and caring we got? I think they are lost. They are good people trapped inside a life they did not want. At least some of them. Others may not even see the difference." Constance looked past the boy into the distance. "And how does life repay them? With a tragic, meaningless death."

Suddenly silence flew over the two students both seemed deep in thought until Constance looked to the boy and saw him gaping at her.

"What?" she suddenly said uncomfortable under the intense gaze he was giving her.

"That was some speech you gave," Dirk looked amazed, which baffled Constance to no end. To her, her words seemed clumsy and out of order. Maybe even out of context. She felt like a rumbeling idiot speaking her mind when clearly most people would never agree with her. At least not in the society they lived in.

"No really," the boy continued when he saw her giving him an odd look."I have never heard anything like it. You could become a Speaker for Wizard rights or something. I am feeling really inspired and stupid at the moment. I mean..." he shook his head smiling,"wow."

Constance couldn't help but laugh. "Thanks."

Afterwards they began a lighter topic and kept searching for an empty compartment for their friends.


Meanwhile in a compartment not far away Regulus sat. And in his hands he was turning over a box wrapped in blue paper.

He had found the box in the room of Requirement that morning. But for some reason he was hesitant to open it. Every gift he had ever received was only because of necessity or something his parents wished him to have and at the time he wanted to have too.

Finally he had enough and ripped the paper off. At that moment he felt cold leather under his hands. It was so familiar Regulus couldn't help but draw a small smile.

It was almost as he remembered it except for the small piece of paper attached to it.

To my dear friend,
enjoy the happy ending.

He knew exactly what the inscription was refering to and couldn't help but smile. Although that didn't last long as he sensed a pair of eyes on him and looking up he found they belonged to a light haired girl with clear blue eyes. A small smile was gracing her lips.

Regulus had seen her in a few of his classes and of course that time in the library however he couldn't help but look a bit guarded as he was sure she saw him smiling at a book. And that was nowhere near his reputation.

The girl quickly averted her gaze and continued her way down the train. Followed by a slightly taller boy.

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