Sick Simon

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Simon sneezed from besides me in the bed .
I ' awwhh' ed a bit in my head and turned to him . He looked a mess . A cute mess .
Curls were stuck to his sweating forehead and his face was a shade or two paler than usual . His cheeks and nose were flushed red.
" are you alright Simon?" I whispered and stroked his forehead . I couldn't help calling him simon when he looked this vulnerable .
His wigs were curled in and his tail drooped sadly near his feet .

" I-I'm fine ..." he mumbled . I shook my head and tutted . " no your not Simon . Stay here okay?" I objected and kissed his forehead before going into the kitchen and fixing him some scones and a cup of tea . Poor baby boy . I hated seeing him like that .
Good job it's the weekend , otherwise we would argue all day about if he could go to uni or not .

I left the scones and tea on the side because I knew he would want them as soon as he saw them and instead took in some fresh pyjamas for him . He was burning up so I just took a powder blue shirt and matching shorts .

" c'mere..." I mumbled and undressed him , changing him into the shorts and shirt .
" baaaaazzzzzz....."
" yes sweetheart?"
" I love youuuuuuu~" he sounded half asleep and half dazed . I chuckled and ruffled his hair , going back to fetch his food .
When I brought it back in his face lit up into a oversized smile . "ohmygoodnessyougotmescones!"

I sat besides him and gave him the food on a tray , watching admirably as he ate all four in five bites . He was such a pig with food . But it was adorable really so I never really objected . He went to gulp down the tea , but burned his tongue so I had to blow it for him .
" you're such a baby ... why can't you blow your own tea?" I half complained .
" because I like it when you do it for me Basilton ." He snapped and proceeded to chug it .

" let's get you in the bath."

Simon objected to the bath for around ten minutes with excuses such as " you'll see me naked !" And " you always make the water too hot!" To which I replied with " nothing I haven't seen before." And " well you cat fest it before you get it."
He finally gave in .

He hoisted into the bath and sat down , hugging his knees up to his chin in an effort to hide his crotch .
I washed his hair first and then his arms and stomach . He got all giddy when I scrubbed his stomach .
" hehe your touching me in appropriately."
" it's your stomach Simon."
" can I have a kiss?"
" I don't really want to catch whatever you have , especially whilst you still have it because then I won't be able to look after you ."
He pouted . And then proceeded to beg me another twenty times for a kiss .

I didn't want to hurt him , so I gently lent in and briefly kissed him .
He giggled and pulled me in for another , then another , then another .

I lifted him out of the bath without him suspecting and wrapped a towel around his body , carrying him into his room ( technically mine and his room - Penny was away with her boyfriend .)
We laid together on his bed for a while . Cuddling . Simon draped on top of me , his arms wrapped around my shoulders and mine around his wrist . His towel had came off of the front of him and was touching me directly but due to him being ill I tried not to let myself wonder away .

" baaaaaazzzzz....."
" yes Simon?"
" do you love meeeeeee?"
" you know I do sweetheart."
" tell me you love me then! Pretty please ?"
" you don't need to beg for me to tell you that I love you ."
He chuckled and pressed for me to go on .

" Simon , my love , you are the sweetest , kindest most adorable , precious person In my life . You keep me going . You make me want to stay alive . For you . I live for you . I owe you my life . I want to be with you forever . I love you , Simon honey , I really and truly do."

Simons face was fully flushed and he sat up above me on all fours . Oh he was playing that game . Simon had an ability to know whenever I was desperate to kiss him so he would climb above me and make me reach up for his lips . He got some sort of security from it that I truly did want him and just him . So I played Into his games ; always and forever .

Carry on , love .   Snowbaz oneshots ~Where stories live. Discover now