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" would you be able to take care of Edward whilst we're away?" Bazs' father asked with confidence. Edward was one of Basiltons siblings ; the newest edition . He was only one , he was tiny and tubby . He had short dark brown hair and always wore cute little rompers .

I felt my face light up with excitement .
" we'd love to!!!" I yelled and jumped up and down . Baz shot me a look .
" father , we don't know how to look after a baby..." he grumbled clearly annoyed at the thought . Baz didn't quite like children ( he always said if we ever had a child he'd cherish them like nothing else mattered - except me of course .)

" but Penny does , if we need her we can phone her!"

Penny lived in America now with her boyfriend . It was Baz and I in the apartment now ( sharing a room.)

Baz sighed , giving in after seeing my enthusiasm. " fine , snow."


Baz strapped Edward into his baby seat in the back of his car , Edward smiling and cooing .
" Eddie ~" I sung and leaned back , kissing his hand playfully . He giggled and grabbed my fingers , I looked up to Baz . His face was peachy pink and his lips curled up in a large and happy grin . I loved seeing him like that .

We got in our seats and started the drive back to the apartment . It was only about an hours drive .

We stopped at a traffic light and Baz started laughing to himself , I grinned and asked what he was laughing at .
" you're so cute with babies!" He chuckled and leaned into me , kissing me quickly and gently .

Carry on , love .   Snowbaz oneshots ~Where stories live. Discover now