Chapter 9

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Then I saw him. He was leaning casually against the multiple rows of lockers, he had dark, messy hair and cool grey eyes, and he looked good. Very, very good. He had a scowl on his face and he looked like he was thinking. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, he had a chiselled jaw and a perfectly sculpted chest, he wore black, black jeans, a tight black top, a black beanie, black trainers, and even his eyes seemed black in the dark light. My eyes lingered for a while and I turned my head away slowly, before anyone noticed that I was staring. I pictured him in my mind; yet, I remained rooted on the spot, just thinking. Unmoving. Just thinking.

Adam’s P.O.V

I remembered the last day. Antonia was nervous, she wanted to tell me that she had another boyfriend, she wanted to move on, I saw her with him, her arms wrapped tenderly around his neck, and she thought I’d be fine with the break up, judging by her composure, but the nervousness said that she didn’t want to end it. Little did she know that I already had plans.

I asked her to sit down, she smiled slightly, I presented a crystal glass in front of her, it had a glittering, ruby liquid inside. I sprinkled in the poison, it was always undetectable, this was the reason no one linked the deaths to poison, untraceable. I would always be free to keep taking the hearts of others. Every once in while I would kill a man, so the police wouldn’t get suspicious of the fact that it was only females getting attacked. I suppose, I was pretty smart. But I was a murderer, though I didn’t see it that way. I saw it as preserving the hearts of others and making sure that their hearts remained mine. Though, recently, I found myself regretting every decision I made, when the glass touched her bee-stung   lips, I wanted to reach out and stop her from drinking it. I guess people would say I was becoming humane. But now, I really regretted killing her, I missed her and I was too busy mourning her to notice anything else.

Ivy’s P.O.V

Maria had to drag me to French class, since I hadn’t moved from the spot when I saw Him. I pictured him in my head and smiled and wondered what it would be like to kiss him. I carried on smiling and letting the time go past when Maria interrupted my daydreams.

“What’re you thinking about?” she asked, raising her eyebrow suspiciously, I almost blushed, but I shook my head at her and smiled,

“Nothing, why?” I replied, not giving away my little secret,

“You seem weird...” she said, her eyes looking straight into mine, she looked as if she could read my thoughts but I knew she couldn’t- thank God!

“Weird? In what way? Don’t tell me, I’ve become as weird as you! God help me!” she smirked at me, but shook her head and carried wondering about what I was thinking about. Strange girl, though I hoped that she didn’t think too hard...

Ten minutes into French seemed like an hour, I didn’t do any work, I just doodled on a spare piece of paper when someone texted me. It was Ash. Oh God, I had forgotten about him. I felt really guilty, but I shrugged at the thought of being a bad girlfriend, but honestly, what was wrong with admiring the beauty of God’s creatures? Ha! I’m such a boy mad idiot. He texted me saying that he wasn’t going to pick me up from school, I was secretly relieved, since I didn’t have to face the guilt of going off him and I didn’t  have to keep up a false pretence. So I replied back saying:

Me: since when do you pick me up? I’m too heavy for that... :)

To which he probably rolled his eyes at. I glanced at everyone in my class, all sitting down writing pages and pages in French, I just couldn’t understand how we were expected to work so hard and some people actually kept up with the work load. I inwardly sighed as I couldn’t even write half a page in French and wondered why I was so stupid. The next ten minutes went by and my bottom was aching from sitting for so long, I shifted my position so I could be more comfortable and I heard the door opening. I turned my head in the door’s direction and saw Him, a teacher stood behind him, holding the door open. My breath caught in my throat and my heart started beating faster. Damn! He was hot! I bent my head over my paper and started scribbling again, the girls in the class starting murmuring to each other really loudly about how hot the boy was, he heard- but he probably already knew- and smirked in the general direction of the conversation.  The teacher who arrived with him walked over to our French teacher, Ms Fleur and whispered something about the new boy, my French teacher nodded and the teacher left. I waited for her to speak, still looking down and then looked up again when she cleared her throat.

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