Chapter 4

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Adam’s POV

I trekked away from the woods, leaving Antonia’s rotting body in the mud, it seemed as if an animal had gotten hold of her and ripped out her organs. Well... technically, people would say my behaviour was close to an animals’; maybe even worse. I shrugged grimly, I loved her, I loved Antonia way more than she loved me.

 Antonia... well, if she had been more active in our relationship, she wouldn’t be dead. I knew her inactiveness would soon lead to break ups and broken hearts, luckily I intervened before we could get that far. Though all that was left wasn’t a broken heart, all that was left was a body, which was rotting in the woods and her was heart locked away in a cupboard, her heart was mine.

   Ivy’s POV

Maria’s words echoed in my head,

“Ivy, I broke up with Liam,” it ricocheted against the hard walls of my head, over and over, I took in her sad, bottomless eyes and the world started spinning. Maria’s eyes were like tunnels; as if she could see no one but the one she broke up with. Her eyes looked as if the world had shattered and she was the only form of life found. I reached out as soon as the spinning stopped, my hands were freezing, I looked into her eyes, and said,

“Forget Liam, we’ll find someone new, someone better.” I was trying to be optimistic, though I don’t think she believed me, I wonder why she broke up with him, this probably wasn’t the right time to ask, but being the idiot I was, I asked her, “why?”

“I decided to move on,” she sighed, “our relationship isn’t the same anymore, we’re not into each other like the way we were, I figure he was probably cheating, but maybe he wasn’t, but we aren’t meant to be, me and Liam, I guess I really liked him, though I have to face reality, you know? We can’t go around acting as if we’re in love, and acting as if unicorns actually exist and that we can jump across rainbows, we had to move on.” She looked back at me and smiled sadly, her eyes were lighting up again, I guess she understood now, and she accepted it. Wow, that Maria, she was one heck of a girl, she was tough! We got off our bench and started to walk to our next lesson, maths, ugh. Then Maria actually looked sad, truly sad, her eyes became even sadder than they had been when she mentioned the break up. Seriously? This girl could get over a break up pretty quickly, but when we have to go to maths she looks as if someone murdered her cat- trust me if someone murdered her cat, they wouldn’t be a murderer for long, they’d probably end up as the murdered. We climbed the stairs to our maths class and we were exhausted, we both looked as if we had run a marathon, mind you we’d look even worse if we had.  We got into class 3 seconds before the bell ran; Ms Shennay gave us a weird look. I really hate Ms Shennay at times, like when she assumes I can’t do any of the work, or when she unsubtly says that I’m really stupid.  Though I’m in set one, and forgive me for bragging, but does being in the highest set say anything about me being relatively dumb? No. Loud and clear. One day I’d like to wipe that weird look off her stupid face and eat her. Umm... no, I didn’t say that, whoops.

My eye rested on the clock, my ears followed the sound of the ticking as if they were my vital heart beats, I blocked out Ms Shennay and focussed my attention on when the maths lesson would be over. I looked over at Maria, she was texting someone, half of the class couldn’t even be bothered to listen to what Ms Shennay said, probably because she spouted rubbish. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pulled it out to see I had a text message,

Ash: Hey Ivy, enjoying skool?

I scoffed; he knew I was dying in my maths lesson, he knew I hated school, yet he still taunted me about it,

Me: Yeah Ash! Maths is tooootally the highlight of my day!-note the sarcasm!!

Ash: Maths is the highlight of your day? I thought it was something that happened in the morning...


Ash knew how serious I was about The Vampire Diaries, so he wouldn’t be expecting be to joke with him, he didn’t know I was teasing him,

Ash: it is, relax, even if you do miss it, it’s not as if Stephan will run off with Bonnie! I was talking about something to do with the mouth. Mayb 2 do wiv a lil mouth action...

Me: so if there’s no re run of the vampire diaries, thn mayb a re run of the mouth action?

Ash: sure, any place, any time! ;)

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