Night XI

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Ellen's POV

"Earl, why did we have to stop fighting with the exorcists?" Tyki asked once I dragged him through Road's door.

Road grinned as Lavi and her came into view. "It's finished, Earl."

"Excellent," Otou-san stated.

"What is finished?" I asked.

"The new ark," Otou-san answered.

"Why do we have a new ark?" I asked.

"Because it's your 16th birthday in a few days, and I've decided to give you this ark as a birthday present," Otou-san stated.

I let go of Tyki and ran over to give Tou-san a hug. "Really, Otou-san. Domo arigato gozaimasu. You're the best."

"Doo itashi-mashite, Ellen-chan. Now, have fun with your present. I will start organizing my office on the new ark." Otou-san said leaving with the ones who want to look around the new ark or start decorating their rooms.

"I have an idea," I stated with a grin on my face.

"What is it, Elly-nee?" Road asked cheerfully. She thinks Ellen's ideas are always fun.

"Well,..." I stated as I started telling them my plan.

"This is going to be so exciting," Road cheered once I finished.

"Koi, you are quite devious at times," Tyki stated.

"Arigato, Tyki-pon," I said as I pecked him in the cheek before leaving to prepare for Phase 1.


Eunice's POV

Once Kanda and I managed to get Lenalee out, we joined the others under a bridge that was surprisingly still standing. Suddenly, Kanda approached me.

"DID YOU KNOW THAT YOUR SISTER WAS A NOAH?" Kanda shouted. Everyone decided that it was a wise decision to leave us alone.

"NO?!" I shouted as tears started falling from my eyes at an extremely fast rate. "It hurts that my own sister would do this to me. We used to be so close back when we were kids .Before we were separated. I can't understand how... how she could do this to me? Why would she betray me like that."

"Look, Gomen nasai. I didn't mean to make you cry. I just wanted to know if you were a spy as well," Kanda stated softly, which surprised me.

"Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden?" I asked as I looked up.

Once we made brief eye contact, I immediately looked back down. I always wondered how I ended up having a crush on a heartless, mean guy like him.

He grasped my chin and held it up before he leaned forward and kissed me. We were interrupted when the others thought it was safe to come back and gasped when they saw us.

"My Yuu-kun is finally growing up," General Tiedoll said as he got a tissue and blew his nose.

"Stop calling me that old man," Kanda snarled.

Suddenly, Ellen's umbrella appeared with a portal that started sucking me in. Lenalee, Kanda, Kroy, and Chaoji tried to help me but got sucked into the portal as well. We all landed in a pure white city with everyone on top of me.


Domo arigato gozaimasu – Thank you so much. (Japanese)

Doo itashi-mashite – You're welcome. (Japanese)

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