Night XIX

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Eunice POV

I saw Ellen talking with the Noah that we fought in Turkey. Occasionally, she glared at me.

'Why? Did all the time we spent as kids mean nothing to you now?' I thought as a tear trickled down my face.

"Ugh. This is impossible," Eunice exclaimed as the balls I was juggling fell once more.

Ellen walked towards Eunice as she picked them up.

"Here, I'll help you, Uni-chan. You'll be juggling these balls in no time," Ellen said.

"Arigato. Ellie-nee," Eunice grinned. 

Soon, the two stopped talking and Ellen jumped down from where she was and started walking towards me.



Two auburn girls were playing and laughing in the snow when they were called.

"Ellen, Eunice, time for lunch."

"Hai," the girls yelled as they ran inside and tackled the clown who called them. Said clown turned around and hugged them.

"How? How could you do this? This isn't the Ellen that I know," I exclaimed.

"True. When I first became a Noah, I would never dream of hurting anyone. However, things happened that caused me to change," Ellen replied with a monotone voice and distant eyes. When they became focused once more, she stared at Link for a moment before turning to face the AKUMA behind her.

"Attack," Ellen ordered.

The AKUMAs laughed as they charged towards me and my companions but left me with Eunice.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"I am not fond of talking about it. But if you really want to know, then I will give you just one clue. Australia, " Eunice said.

"But that is so vague. Give me another –" I asked but was cut in by the attack Ellen sent my way.

So the two of us fought while the others dealt with the AKUMAs and other Noahs. Although I wasn't really concentrating on the fight, I was distracted about what could have happened to Ellen.

Ellen suddenly whipped out a flute and started to play it. Immediately, rubble started floating from the ground before being hurled towards me. I dodged by doing a couple of backflips and landed a few meters away.

Eunice was learning to do backflips for a show next week when she slipped during her landing and fell face-first to the ground.

"Itai," Eunice exclaimed.

Ellen quickly rushed to Eunice's side.

"Daijoubu desu ka?"


Ellen helped Eunice up from the ground. She then proceeded to teach Eunice how to do it properly.

"Arigato, nee-chan."

I was about to launch a counter-attack when the Earl suddenly appeared from the thing that was blocking the entrance.

'Is it some kind of portal?'

"Alright, girls. It's time to go home," the Earl said.

"Ugh. Fine," Road grumbled. "Hope we can play some other time, exorcists."

Road walked into the portal followed by Lulu Bell and the Earl. Ellen stared at me one more time before she turned her back and walked the portal. As soon as she entered, the portal slowly started to shatter.

"Ellen-nee," I whispered to myself.

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