The Past (Super Long)

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Whos ready to find out why Halston was calling Aylinn a killer?

Sorry for the wait but This chapter has alot in it so it took me a while to write.

AlrightsobasicallythischapterisgoingtobeAylinntellingeveryonethestorybehindherandSpencer. IhopeYouEnjoy!

AN: ThischapterwillbeSUPERlongandthestuffinItalicswillbelikeflashbacks

and what she is telling everyone


I wake up to see the room is dark, I look over at the clock and see its 3:25 A.M. which means I was only seep for a few hours. My mind wanders off to what had happened just a few hours ago and the whole memory make tears start to form in my eyes. I still don't understand why she did this to me?

My mind is flooding with questions as I get out of my bed and pace around the room. When I decide Im no where close to falling asleep again, I make my way downstairs to grab a glass of water. I look into the kitchen and see everything was cleaned up.

I get my glass of water and go to the living room couch. I'm pretty sure the guys left wondering what happened and I know that they deserve and explanation, especially Daniel, but I'm not ready to remember that part of my life again. Its too painful.

After an hour of just sitting there and trying to come up with answers, I decide to try and go to sleep. So as Im laying in my bed, I start to think about Spencer. Everything that we went through, good or bad, starts flooding in my mind an I can't help but Cry again. The tears just dont stop. I cry myself to sleep that night.

That morning Im woken up by the bright sunlight in my room. I kept tossing and turning so last night, was definitely not a good night. I get up from my bed and go int my bathroom. I see my hair is a mess, my eyes are red and puffy from all the crying, I just look like a mess. I splash my face with water hoping it will help and put my hair up into a messy bun. I change out of last nights clise that I had slept in and just put on some sweats and a tank top under a hoodie. I go downstairs and see Logans up already with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Mornin" I say while making my way to the coffee pot and pouring myself a cup of warm coffee. I go over and sit in front of him on the island.

"Morning. How did you sleep and how are you feeling? "

"Well.. I slept horribly, I kept tossing and turning and crying. I don't feel well and these past few hours have been horrible! "

I take a sip of my coffee and see Logan's worried face.

"Aylinn…. I-Im so sorry your going through this" he takes my hand in his and gives it a light squeeze.

"I hate that she just had to bring it up. How did she even find out? And what sucks is that, I'm pretty sure that the rest do think Im a killer. "

"But your not and You know that"

"Do I? I mean was it really an accident? Because the way I see it it wasnt, it was my fault he did what he did! "

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