He finally realizes the truth

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Aylinn's POV
It had been a few weeks since the incident with Halston and everything else. I had started to feel much better and everyone was very supportive. Currently, me and Daniel were in my living room watching a movie. If you call making out watching a movie. The guys had been over earlier today and they had a COD marathon all day. They had just barely left a few minutes ago.

James' POV
I was barely on my way home when I realized that I had left my phone in Logan's room. I turn right around and make my way to their house again.

Aylinn's POV
Thankfully Logan was still up in his room because right now would not be a good time for him to come down. I mean we weren't doing anything but maybe we were just in a very intense make out session with Daniels hands under my shirt. I can feel my lips swollen and my hair a mess. I feel his hands going down to the waistband of my jeans.I know I should probably stop this. I mean I Love Daniel but I just don't feel ready yet. I'm not a virgin but it just doesn't feel right, and I don't know why. I hear the doorbell ring and for some reason I feel thankful. I try to fix myself as much as I can and make my way to the door quickly.

James' POV
I get out of my car and make my way to the door. It takes a few second for the door to open after I ring the doorbell. When the door opens I see its Aylinn. Her hair looks slightly messy and her lips look red. That's weird? I look at her neck and see a small red spot. Is it what I think it is?

"Hey James"

Her voice breaks me away from my thoughts.

"Hi Aylinn. I umm forgot my phone"

"Oh! Come on in!"
I walk in and when I look over to the living room I see Daniel sitting on the couch.

"Well I'll make my way upstairs."

"You know the way" Aylinn says with a smile.

I slowly walk up the stairs. When I reach the top I lean myself on the wall. Why did I suddenly get a pain in my chest? I take a few deep breaths and head to Logan's room and knock.

"Come in" I hear him on the other side of the door.

"Hey, I forgot my phone" I say as I walk in. I walk over to the side of the bed where I remembered leaving it and pick It up.

"Hey are you ok? it looks like you've seen a ghost."

"Ehhh something like that but I'm ok"

"What's wrong?"
I go over and sit next to him on the floor.

"I don't know but...when I walked in I kinda noticed I had interrupted Aylinn in something with Daniel."

"Wait what!? In my house?!" He starts to get up but I pull him back down

"No! Not that! Or at least I don't think so anyways, it just I don't know. Made me feel weird. Like I got a chest pain"
I don't hear him say anything.

"Say something!"

"Well it's pretty obvious James. You like Aylinn."

"What!? No!"

"James don't deny it, it's pretty obvious"

I look down at my hands,

"Fine I do like her. Are you Mad?"

"I mean I was pretty mad at you before because of what yo-" He stops mid sentence

"Because of what?"

"Ohhh...nothing forget it"

"No Tell Me!" 

"Forget it. Anyways! Im not mad that you like Aylinn. It was pretty obvious that you liked her but....you are a little too late."

"I Know, I kind of realized that.Please don't tell her, Ok? I dont want to ruin her relationship, shes happy."

"I won't"

"Anyways I should get going, It's gettign pretty late"

I get up from my spot on the floor as well as Logan.

"Alright see you soon bro." we bro-hug before I leve his room and make my way Downstairs. Aylinn and Daniel are still in the living room and before I leave I wave bye and head out the door. I wonder what it was that Logan didn't tell me?


Uuuuuu Logan almost Spilled the Beans!! That would have been bad but what do you guys think of Aylinn's and Daniels Relationship? What do you think the future holds for them? Will Aylinn and James ever get a chance together soon?

Alright Guys, well I know that this chapter is short but I was just in a major Writers Block. I seriously didnt know what to write. Hopefully the next chapter is good for you guys :) I would appreciate feedback from you guys because that always makes me happy and gives me inspiration. I want to thank all of you who read my story! It means alot to me that this story has over 7K reads! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I Love You All!! <3

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