Pinky Swear //6

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Standing there, I looked up slowly and gasped. A hand covered my mouth and a voice shushed me, but not in a soothing way. The tears still streaming down my face and my body trembling. We walked back down the hallway; which now felt like the corridor of doom. He opened the door and pushed me in.

''What the hell were you thinking?!'' Frankie angrily whispered at me ''Did you not hear me earlier, if I didn't find you and someone else did, they would of blown your brains out you stupid little girl''

''I'm sorry, it's just that-''

''You were an idiot, end of story now go back to sleep'' Frankie interrupted ''I'm not leaving now, I don't trust you, you fucking idiot''

''Fine then.''

''I just saved your ass and your mad at me?!'' his voice getting louder.

I huffed and glared at him. He'd just called me a stupid little girl, that's why I was mad; not because he'd saved me.

Still crying I climbed back in my bed and buried myself even deeper than before. Remembering all my friends back home and my family, I cried even harder.

I wished I'd never got in that damn car, I wish I hadn't woken up that day; I wished a lot of things, but truthfully, the thing I wished most for was a hug. Even if it was a pathetic, delicate one like my mother gives. She wasn't the best mom in the world, but she tried, and I took it all for granted. I complained about my parents, I never thought about what I had, just what I didn't.

Frankie was right. I was an idiot.


I sat outside, on a small little patio, a man watching me like a hawk; observing every move I made. TopoTip was todays book of choice, it was completely written in Italian, but thankfully had alot of pictures so I could understand a little.

The books were familiar, I think my father had read them to me in both Italian and English as a small child. They took me back, and made me yearn for him even more, but did not end my anger and hatred for that lying asshole.

I basked in the sun, hoping to at least a gain a tan whilst I was here, but this was unfortunately interrupted by a cold, strong hand on my shoulder. I turned around and pushed my sunglasses to the end of my nose, staring at him.

''Follow me'' He whispered with no expression. Back to his brick wall self.

''No'' I turned back around to face the gardens and closed my eyes, continuing to ignore Frankie.

Suddenly I heard a few clicks and a cold, hard object was pressed against my temple. I rolled my eyes and stood up, pulling a fake smile at him as I did. He wasn't going to shoot me, like he said; he wasn't fond of death, but he's fond of me.

We walked up too the library, and Frankie locked the door; I sat down on the couch, crossing my legs and stared out of the window.  Hastily, he looked out of the windows and closed the curtains; bewildered I was about to ask what was happening before Frankie interrupted me.

''We have to get you out of here'' he whispered leaning in to me. Bewildered I looked at him in awe and confusion, was he serious? Last night he was calling me an idiot and now he's trying to be a knight in shining armour.

''What'' I shouted, he shushed me and I leaned in ''No Frankie. I'm just going to wait until they let me leave and..''

''They're not gonna let you just leave.''

''Well whatever they do, I'm not doing anything stupid.''

''You sitting here and doing nothing is stupid'' He rolled his eyes ''No one is going to help you, you have to help yourself.''

''My father is going to come and save me.''

''I didn't have you down as an Damsel in Distress type, I guess I was wrong.''

''I am not a damsel in distress'' My jaw dropped.

''Oh you are.''

''Anyway, I don't need any ones help, I can help myself.''

Frankie laughed and rolled his eyes.

''You have to cooperate with me Sofia or you'll die.''

''I don't want too, I just want to go home.''

''And this is the only way you'll be able to do that'' Frankie held my hands in his, trying to reassure me but it wasn't working.

 I stood up and walked towards the door, trying to open it. Frankie pushed me away and blocked the door, an action which scared me a lot.

''Frankie..'' my voice was shaking.

''Shut up'' He shouted ''Just listen to me'' He walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders.

''We have to do this, you don't know these people Sofia, I do.'' Frankie shook me as he shouted, and then slumped onto the couch next to us.

He sat, hunched over, his head in his hands. Sitting down beside him, I rubbed his back hoping to calm him down. Frankie sat up and faced me, a look of fear in his eyes. His hands held my face, wiping away my tears.

''You have to listen to me Sofia. I want to help you, and protect you'' His voice was much calmer and softer and his accent was prominent.

''I overheard my father talking with Marco'' I squinted looking for some more information ''The boss..'' He reassured me.

''They will kill you, they don't care about you. I do, I care. Sofia, I hate this. This life, everything'' Frankie smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back, I needed it; I needed the reassurance.

''You're lucky I want to help you Sofia. Now look at me.''

''I don't want to die Frankie'' I held back my tears.

''And you won't, we have to kill de capo. Show no mercy Sofia, we have to kill anyone whose in our way; or we will die.''

''You're sure this will work?'' I asked, still not trusting him completely.

''Yes. But you must tell nobody, act like you know nothing.''

It was surreal. The guy who yesterday had called me an idiot and told me how he hated death; was now helping me and telling me to 'show no mercy'. My life was a dream, I Sofia Castaletta was now planning to kill people.

''Are you okay?'' Frankie asked, I smiled at him.

''Pinky Promise?'' I said, holding out my pinky.

''Pinky Promise.'' he interlocked his pinky with mine and we both smiled.

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