Pieces Of The Puzzle //4

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Frankie and I had been sat in a library for practically 24 hours; he insisted we read books and play chess, not the most interesting thing ever. I'd tried to make conversation, but it was like talking to a brick wall. Occasionally he'd smile, nod and I think he said 'yes' once.

We were now playing the longest game of chess ever, I didn't even know how to play and every time I did something wrong he'd sigh or grunt at me.

''So this is a vacation huh'' I smiled ''But if I leave..they'll kill me. How fun'' Another one of my failed attempts to talk to him. He didn't even acknowledge I was talking.

''Do you ever talk?'' I asked, annoyed and bored.

''Do you ever not talk?'' he gestured at me to make my next move.

''Why am I really here?'' I hoped eventually I could irritate him enough to tell me something.

''You're on vacation, Sofia'' he smiled and then went on to capture my king and reset the board.

''Vacation, really?''

''You can start'' Frankie didn't look up at me.

''It was my dad wasn't it'' My dad always complained about how I forgot about my Italian roots and this was probably his way of getting me to become more Italian ''He sent me here, didn't he.''

''Yes you're father hired people to kidnap you, knock you out and then ship you off to Italy'' he pulled another of his fake smiles and laughed.

''Why are you laughing?'' His fake smile and obnoxious laugh was extremely irritating.

''How stupid are you?'' Frankie kept laughing ''You're a hostage dumbass.''

''If I was a hostage, Frankie, I would be tied up and not sat here playing chess'' I informed him.

''Well, Sofia, you're a hostage and here you are playing chess'' he smiled again, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.

''Why the hell would I be a hostage, I'm a nobody'' I questioned.

''Well obviously you're not, but you know, you're dad's important'' he said it as if it was something I should of known; like most peoples reaction to me not being able to speak Italian.

''My dad's a business man, he's not that important'' I informed him ''Checkmate, I win.''

''Congrats, set up the board again'' he smiled, this time, it seemed to be real and not horrifically forced  ''So your dad told you he's a business man?''

''He didn't tell me, that's what he is'' I attempted to put the pieces back in the right places but failed miserably.

 ''Oh yeah and what does your grandfather do?'' he asked.

''He's a business man too'' I said, although I don't think he was listening.

''Your hair is beautiful'' Frankie said, offending me a little but I was complimented deep down.

''Excuse me?'' He'd changed the subject and now I was confused.

''Your hair is beautiful, it's glistening. A gorgeous chestnut brown'' he was infatuated with my hair and was smiling for real.

''Oh okay thanks. What is happening right now?'' I asked, extremely confused as to what had happened in the last 5 seconds.

''So, both your grandfather and father are business men right?'' he snapped out of his little daydream ''What type of 'buisness' do they do?'' he used air quotes, something I absolutely detested.

''I don't know, just business stuff I guess'' I genuinely didn't know what business the were involved in, my whole life it had just been referred to as 'buisness' and I'd never thought about it until now.

''Cosa Nostra? Does that sound familiar?'' Frankie questioned.

''My father's mentioned it a couple of times'' I told him.

''Has he now, and do you know what Cosa Nostra is?''

''A place?''

''No. Cosa Nostra means 'Our Thing' so therefore Cosa Nostra is what your father means by 'buisness'. ''

''Oh'' I said ''That's cool, I guess..''

 Frankie walked over to an couch in the centre of the library come study. He sat down, and gulped down a drink that smelt vile.

''You're hilarious'' I said to him smiling.

''Do you honestly think everything happening right now is a joke. Wake up and smell the roses princess'' his smiley persona had faded away and become an serious, slightly angry one. ''You are the hostage, and I'm just the extortion guy. I won't hurt you. This isn't some vacation, keep quiet and don't piss anyone off.''

''You're the extortion guy'' I raised my eyebrows ''You say it so casually.''

He walked over to me and handed me a pile of slightly crumpled ivory envelope. I turned my head to look out of the window to my left; not even acknowledging his presence.

''Read it'' Frankie pressed ''I'll be back soon, don't try to leave, that would be a very big mistake.''

He left the room and locked the door. My mind was brought into reality and I tried to piece things together. The creepy driver; the ''trainee'' with the gun; waking up in the cellar; was this actually happening. I felt a lump in my throat and I tried my best to hold back my tears. The letter was still on the table, I stared at it for a while. Some of them had a blood red wax seal; others a royal blue.

The letters, more so the contents, made me shiver. I had never in my life been more terrified and ashamed of my own father. Frankie arrived back and sat in front of me, he showed no emotion which scared me even more. I covered my mouth with my hand, beginning to shake, and placed the letters back down on the table. He stared me, not a smile, not a frown nothing. I shook my head in disbelief and closed my eyes, hoping that everything would go back to normal.

''Now you believe me'' Frankie said, still staring at me, I continued shaking my head, waiting for it all to go away. I looked back down at the letter, the last line haunting me, my father had signed a letter depicting such a gruesome event; ''Yours Sincerely, Tony Castaletta'' so nonchalant.

What the hell was this. I didn't want to believe them, I didn't want to think of my family in that way. My dad was my best friend, his friends were like uncles; but now they were nothing. They disgusted me, too do such a thing to someone. I kept trying to shake the thoughts out of my head, but they just filled it like a big, horrible mess that wouldn't go away.

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