Sorry //11

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''Sofia what are you doing'' I kept saying over and over too myself. What was I doing, murdering people I didn't even know. I was free right now, I could just walk away and find help. Frankie would be fine, I could move somewhere, London or Australia. Everyone would forget about me and it would all be normal. I'd be free.

No, I can't do that to Frankie, I pinky promised; and I never break my promises. I had to do this.

My feet were killing me, as gorgeous as these black, velvet Louboutins were, they were not at all comfortable. They were honestly gorgeous though, my mother has owned a similar pair since I was 6. I remember the day exactly, we walked into Bergdorf Goodmans on 58th & 5th, it was the day I fell in love with fashion. My mother was being dressed in the most beautiful adornments and she looked like a princess. Her hair was longer back then, very different from her newest ''Lob''; I preferred her like that. She was younger and still had her New Jersey vibes, now she was mean, and no longer treated me like a daughter. Every day of my life I wished to own or wear a pair of those shoes, and now I did and I hated them.

Eventually after walking for what felt like miles, I finally saw a glimpse of this warehouse; Thankfully since it was getting darker and darker.

As I approached the warehouse, that turned out to be an abandoned factory; I saw two men standing outside and hastily I crouched behind a dumpster of some sort. My feet were throbbing and I took my shoes off, luckily the ground was concrete so it wouldn't hurt to walk. I peeked from behind the dumpster, they were happily chatting away, perfect.

Slowly I stood up, gun in one hand, shoes in the other and started walking towards them.

''Hi'' I said in a sing song way, waving and smiling at them. They turned their heads like confused puppies before pulling guns out and began shooting at me. That I was not prepared for, luckily they missed. I raised my gun up, and within seconds they dropped like flies. My shoulder ached again, I seriously must remember to use both hands.

I hovered over them and I felt nothing. No fear, no sadness, nothing. I blew them a kiss and walked through the door, behind them.

The room was nothing but concrete, completely empty and it was dimly lit. It was huge, but in the distance was an open door that had bright light coming out of it. Cautiously I walked towards it, looking over my shoulder every five seconds. A man walked out of the room and I hastily hid myself behind one of the huge concrete pillars. My heart was racing and I was covering my mouth in fear someone would hear me breathing. I composed myself and still hiding the shadows, took a look too see if anyone was there. The man was hovering around the outside of the room, pacing back and forth. Oh god, another person I'd have to kill or at least shoot. Taking a deep breath, I reloaded the gun. Breathe, you can do this.

Cautiously I leaned round the pillar, gun in hand, taking my aim. Deep breath, go. I fired twice they weren't my best shots but he fell too the floor in agony. I walked out into he middle of the room, and scuttled towards him. Right in the shoulder and the leg.

''I'm sorry'' I whispered as I stepped over him and into the room.

It was empty and small, but with a staircase towards the back. I checked through a small window that there was no one below, but it was empty. I walked down the steps as quietly as possible the gun stretched out in front of me, I guess I was pretty advanced by now.

The stairs led to yet another dark, concrete room. There was a bright light in the middle, I walked into it, then I heard footsteps. I swung round, pivoting in a circle; gun still in hand and my heart racing. As I turned a man appeared behind me and I pulled the trigger. The bullet hit him in the stomach, knocking him to the ground.

''Holy shit dude shouldn't sneak up on people like that'' I mocked him, I felt quite bad, but recognised the man. He'd been one of the few people I saw often this past week, so he was obviously very involved with my kidnapping.

I turned around and nearly had an heart attack, another man around 6'4'' was stood behind me he fired three times, and only skimmed my thigh, which I have to admit hurt like a bitch. I freaked out and hobbled into some dark shadows at the side of the room. My leg was burning, and I couldn't breathe. The man started calling out in Italian, and as I heard his footsteps approaching I stepped even further into the dark. But still enough to hear him. He was walking towards me, although he couldn't see me otherwise he would've shot me by now. I had a good aim at him and held the gun out in front of me. But I couldn't do it. All the thoughts were rushing through my head, I'd already killed quite a few people, but this one was trying to kill me. It was just self defence. I was going to die otherwise.

I closed my eyes and fired at least 5 times, my aim wasn't great but it still hit him and he crashed to the ground with a loud yelp. For a few minutes I sat there in darkness, my eyes squeezed shut and my knees to my chest. I took deep breaths in and out, like Frankie had told me too do. I picked up my gun, stood up and headed back out to find Frankie.

As I stepped out, I walked back into the lit area walking slowly forward, until a voice startled me. I froze and slowly turned around. Where Mr Giamottto was stood, perfectly intact, looking smug as ever.

''What did I tell you Sofia.'' He shook his head and tutted ''You are a very silly little girl''

My heart stopped. The world blurred out and I was certain I would die.

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