Guess Who's Back //3

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There were 3 loud bangs at the door, that startled and woke me up. I stretched my arms and resisted the urge to snuggle myself deeper in the pillow mountain. As I opened my eyes, I had to reassure myself of where I was. There was another knock at the door and I walked over to answer it; still wearing my, now crumpled, school uniform. I opened the door and a lady stood there, drowned in shopping bags, she hurried inside and placed them on the floor. Confused, I looked at her hoping for a response.

''Sono da parte del capo'' she smiled and gestured towards the bags, before leaving. I opened the bags and removed the tissue paper, they were filled with new, designer clothes. All Italian brands, of course. Atleast 20 bags full of blouses, jeans and shoes. Now things were extremely confusing.

''Who the hell are these people and why am I here?'' I kept thinking. One minute there hitting me and now there giving me gifts. Something isn't right.

I left the clothes covering the floor and walked back over to the bed, I sat back down and stared out of the window, the view was magnificent. A vineyard, with rows and rows of grapevines was tucked just behind a tall hedge. It reminded me deeply of childhood vacations with my grandparents in Italy. I would play hide and seek with my father in the vineyard behind their villa. I had some of my best memories in Italy.

Taking a glance at the clock, I realised it was already 9 and walked into the bathroom. It was marble, completely marble, with whitest of whites Egyptian cotton towels and a beautiful free standing bath in the middle, that was calling my name.

After lounging in the bathtub and turning myself into a prune, I changed into some of the clothes that were given to me. It was so nice to finally get out of my ugly, itchy uniform. Someone banged on the door, 'more clothes' I wondered? The door opened and in walked the chatty and delightful Frankie. Thank god I wasn't naked.

''Are you ready?'' he asked, I smiled and he lead me out of the room. We walked through the entire house, again, but to the east, not the west. A wide arch in the wall led the way to a beautiful dining room. Another long mahogany table with twelve chairs, stood in the middle of the room whilst the sunlight shone through three large windows.

Mr Giamotto and 9 others sat at the table, all eating breakfast and talking; obviously in Italian. Frankie showed me to one of the empty seats and I sat down, he silently sat down next to me. I would be much more comfortable if he spoke once in a while.

A waiter poured me and him a cappuccino and gestured towards the food, I helped myself to a croissant. As I was eating, I realised Mr Giamotto was asking me something in Italian, I just smiled awkwardly at him, not understanding anything he said.

''You don't speak Italian, do you Sofia?'' He asked.

''Only a little'' I said with a mouthful of croissant, covering it so it wouldn't fall out.

''Why not?'' he flashed his ugly smile at me.

''Why am I here?'' Without thinking the question kind of slipped out of my mouth, he leant back in his chair and folded his arms.

''Lets just say you're on vacation, Frankie will take care of you, anything you need ask him'' Frankie turned and pulled a fake smile.

''But you can't leave this house Ms Castaletta, okay?'' Everyone at the table turned to stare at me.

''Why not?'' I questioned, so I was on vacation but I couldn't leave? Not strange at all.

''Because, If you do, I'll kill you'' he had a serious look on his face, I began to panic but tried to keep my composure. I nodded and continued drinking my coffee.

Just a bad dream Sofia, that's all.


~ This is writen from Sofia's father, Tony's perspective ~

''Giulianna, Sofia, honey'' I called out as I opened the apartment door, my wife was stood in the kitchen with the housekeeper, looking beautiful as ever. She ran over to me and kissed me on the cheek, I'd missed her.

''Darling your home! How was business?'' she asked bringing me over to the couch.

''It was..stressful and busy but hey I'm home now, wheres my little princess at?''

''Sofia..oh I think she's staying at her friends house..listen sweetie I gotta go, there's some mail on your desk, see you later'' she kissed me on my cheek again, such a lovely greeting  from my family.

I walked into my office and slumped into the leather chair. There was a letter on the desk, a handwritten address on the front and a blue seal on the back. Immediately I was worried; cautiously I opened the letter and began taking it out. ''From the desk of Marco Giamotto'' was typed on the top and instantly I panicked.

My family's biggest rival. Slowly, I pulled the rest of the letter out, barely being able to bring myself to read it. Taking a deep breath, my eyes skimmed the first line and immediately my emotions changed from fear to anger.

Dear Mr Castaletta,

We, The Cativalli Mafia, have your delightful daughter in our possession. She is safe and will continue to be so unless you come to find her. If you wish for your daughter to be returned to you unharmed, then we will need 15,00,000€ in cash delivered to us. An associate of mine will be waiting for you at 11pm on Sunday the 17th in front of Sixty-Three Viale dei Parioli, Roma. Call the polizia and we shall contently kill you and your daughter.

Your Friend,

Marco A. Giamotto

''Your friend'' that son of a bitch. I was going to kill him. Just like his father and they can both rot in hell. It was Sunday the 10th. 7 days.

I picked up the phone and called Geno, my consigliere. Leaning back in my chair, I held the letter in my hand.

''Guess who's back?'' I grumbled.

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