Cross My Heart //9

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Sitting at the vanity, I put on some red lipstick and pinned some of my hair back. I looked gorgeous, at least I wouldn't die naked and ugly.

I walked over to the closet and took at the black dress, admiring it for a while. Struggling to hold back my tears, I kept having to fan my face and breathe. I stepped into the dress and zipped up the back; it fit like a glove. A pair of black louboutins were placed on the floor and I slipped my feet into them. The outfit was complete, I looked stunning and I was ready. Standing in front of the mirror, fixing the dress, the feeling of deja vu was overwhelming; I felt like I was back there in my apartment, that awful Thursday morning.

Tottling over to the bed, I pulled out the velvet box and re-read the note over and over again in my head. I kissed the gun and tried to find a place to put it but this dress had no pockets. The gun fitted perfectly, though uncomfortably in my bra. Suddenly the door creaked open and I shoved the box back under the comforter. A man, I had not seen before, ushered me downstairs to the dining room. For the last time, I walked through the corridors and stairways. I was scared, full on shitting myself; but I would not cry. They couldn't see me be weak, I am strong.

I walked inside, Frankie and the boss were already there. Mr Giamotto stood up and walked over to me.

''Bellisima!'' He exclaimed as he hugged me. The way he treated me like an uncle, truly digusted me. I smiled at him and we sat down.

The actual dinner was very quiet, no one spoke, and if they did; it was in Italian. Frankie and I exchanged awkward smiles across the table; he looked ravishing in an Armani suit and red tie, that complimented his olive skin tone perfectly.

After we'd eventually finished some others came in and that sat down. Both Women and Men, sat at the table, glass of wine in hand and jabbered away in Italian. I on the other hand awkwardly sipped the wine that was far too sweet and then gulped down the water. A lady, in an smart, white dress, smiled at me and attempted to have a conversation,before unfortunately leaving with the other women.

The grandfather clock behind me started chiming, it was 9pm. It was time to leave. A man walked in and placed a black briefcase on the table, how cliche. Mr Giamotto opened it and turned to Frankie, both speaking in Italian, there was the occasional glance at me.

I'm assuming the suitcase had something to do with money as, I heard ''15,00,000'' come up a few times. Pfft 15,00,000? I was worth a unicorn.

Everyone in the room stood up and Frankie came and stood behind me.

''Just follow me, it's all okay Sofia.'' he whispered

''You're certain Frankie, because I-''

''Sofia, trust me''

I did trust Frankie, but there was a small part of me that didn't want too. That didn't want to open up to him, just to protect myself, keep my distance. After all, how well do I really know him? What if he turns against me? What if he kills me? Shut up Sofia, stop catastrophizing everything. You know him, you can trust him.

We all walked through the house, everyone quiet and the silence filled with the clacking of shoes. As we stepped out of the front door, I tripped and around 20 men in suits leaned down in attempt to catch me as my cheeks turned into tomatoes. They were polite for criminals.

Two Mercedes were waiting outside. Mr Giamotto kissed me on the cheeks and got into one of the cars. A man opened the door and I got inside the other Mercedes, Frankie following behind me. Inside the car waiting for us was the driver from Thursday. My heart stopped as I remembered the events.

Another man got into the passenger side and the doors closed. It was like being in a coffin, a big metal coffin. I couldn't breathe and I was certain I would throw up. The panic got worse, Frankie squeezed my hands and we looked at each other.

The engine started and I rearranged my bra, the gun was extremely uncomfortable now.

''Frankie, you promise I won't die'' I whispered to him

''Cross my heart and hope to die, like I said''

Breathe Sofia, you'll be fine. The tears were coming, but I held them back. I didn't need to cry, I'm not scared. I'm strong and I can do this. My father will be waiting for me, I'll go home, I'll be fine.

After I've killed Mr Giamotto of course.

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