Time //10

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We'd been driving for around an hour or so, the Mercedes in front had turned down a road a few miles back. It was dusk and we were driving down some country roads, in the middle of nowhere, which made me even more uncomfortable rather than scared.

All I could think about was ''10:30'' the most important time I'd ever know. Frankie kept looking at his watch and tapping his foot. Every so often he caught me staring at him and he'd smile at me, obviously, Frankie was just as nervous as me.

I looked at the clock in the front, 10:27

Inside I was crying and shaking, but on the outside I was straight faced and ready to kick some ass. The clock changed to 10:28 and I began counting down from 120, 119, 118...

''Breathe, keep calm or you'll fuck it up, you'll do good'' Frankie leant over and squeezed my hand, I smiled at him and he smiled back.


Carefully and quietly I took the gun, now digging in my ribs, out of my bra; and hid it underneath the skirt of my dress. ''Breathe'' Frankie mouthed at me. I kept taking deep breaths, trying to prepare myself. I knew I could do this, I will do this, I will.


I closed my eyes and kept counting, thinking about my parents and my friends, for them. I was about too do this for them.

I pulled the gun out slowly, hiding it in the dark, and took 3 bullets out of my bra and loaded it. I held it up behind the seat, the diamonds catching the light, it glistened beautifully. Frankie turned and looked at me, he winked and I new it was time.


''What the fuck are you doing!'' Frankie yelled as loud as he could, the man in the passenger seat turned round. I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger before he even had a chance to blink. My arm jerked back, hurting my shoulder.

''Shit'' I exclaimed

I shook it off as the driver slammed on the brakes, he attempted to pull out his gun but it got stuck in his jacket. I held the gun, with both hands this time. The driver turned round to face me; and I froze. The sound droned out and I panicked. Frankie was shouting but I ignored it, until the driver got his gun out and I did it. Right between his eyes. His body slumped backwards onto the wheel.

''Holy shit.'' I said

Frankie was smiling

''Oh my god'' he smiled at me and I continued to panic ''Sofia, congrats''

''Shit. Frankie. I just killed two guys oh my god'' It felt like my throat was closing as the news hit me. Two people, two sort-of perfectly innocent people.

Frankie leant over and hugged me. I was shaking as he shushed me aswell as congratulating me.

''Sofia, we're one step closer to being free'' He was smiling, he was right. I was closer, but not free yet. I smiled and wiped away the few tears.

Frankie put on some gloves and stepped out the car. He opened the drivers door and put the body's in some grassland on the side of the road.

''Now that's taken care of'' Frankie smiled as I got out of the car ''You know what you have too do''

''I think so'' I smiled

''Just keep walking straight, you'll reach a big industrial building. Thats where you need to be'' I nodded ''I promise I'll be there. I've just got too do something else first''

I hugged him for a few seconds, holding him as tightly as possible. Frankie kissed me on the cheek and wished me luck before getting in the car. He smiled and waved, then he was gone. I was on my own and I wasn't scared. Not even a little, the adrenaline was pumping through my veins and I began walking down the road.

This was my part of the plan, that I had to do on my own.


~This is written from Frankie's perspective~

I left her there and I knew how terrified she was. But she had to do this, I couldn't help her. I had to help her father. Sofia didn't trust me and I knew that. But she had hope and she was an amazing person, I loved her.

As I pulled up to the house, I panicked for my life, Sofia's and her fathers. I could walk into that room and he could be dead, what do I tell her then? Your dad's dead and all of this was for nothing? That wasn't an option.

I parked the car and walked inside, I saw Mario, my cousin, and he took me too the room. Sofia's father, Tony, sat at the table, exactly how Sofia had described him. Black hair slicked back, no tie but 2 buttons undone and Italian leather shoes.

''Who the hell is this?'' Tony shouted, his accent the same as how Sofia had imitated.

''This is Frankie, Sofia's guardian'' Marco explained

''Guardian?! I'm her damn guardian, where is she?'' Tony jumped out of his chair

''Essa è sicuro'' I told him

''You're sure?'' he asked me calming down

''I have been with her 24/7 until 10 minutes ago. She is safe'' Tony nodded and sat down.

Marco and Tony then went on too a very long, boring argument that I didn't pay attention too. After Tony finally agreed to get in the car, we left to head to the warehouse where Sofia was, hopefully, waiting.

Tony and I sat in the back, it was silent and there was a very awkward atmosphere.

''She is safe. She will always be safe. Trust me'' I whispered to Tony, he looked at me like I was crazy

''Who are you?'' he asked me

''I am her friend, I protect her'' I told him as we arrived at the warehouse.

We got out of the car and I shot the driver, Giorgio, in his back. There was guilt but not a lot. Marco went to pull a pistol out of his blazer, I laughed, as he discovered there wasn't one there.

''Where's your gun Marco?'' I teased him

''Frankie what the hell are you doing!'' he retaliated

''Tony, get in the car'' I pointed the gun at him, and he pointed one right back at me ''Touché, now please Mr Castaletta, I don't want to hurt you. Just get in the damn car''

I turned back around to face Marco, but he wasn't there. That son of a bitch.

Sofia. Where's Sofia? She'll be fine Frankie. Just worry about her father.

Tony was leaning against the car, lighting a Marlboro, like nothing had happened. Sofia told me he wasn't afraid of anything, but I guess 40 years being in this business does that to you.

''So, Frankie, care to explain what in the world is happening'' he said breathing out a cloud of smoke

''Well, Mr Castaletta, it's an very long story-''

''I have time.''

This man was a tough as nails. I'd never been afraid of anyone, but Tony, he made me shiver. Maybe it was the fact that he was a murderer, but I think it was the way he didn't panic about anything.

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