Sofia and Frankie //13

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2 months had passed since the incident in Italy and my life had almost gone back to normal. I hadn't gone back to school and Frankie had moved to New York, we were going to live in an apartment together on the Upper East Side. We'd grown a lot closer the past few months, he was my best friend, my therapist and my chef; whilst I was his personal stylist, pretend girlfriend and movie expert.

Since I hadn't gone back to school, my parents forced me into making a life decision, and I personally think I made an amazing one. Frankie and I had come up with numerous other life plans with theme's like becoming superheroes or something involving fashion. But none of them lived up to the plan we made in Italy, so we made more. Starting off small, and getting bigger and more elaborate and those plans were the ones that both intrigued and excited us.       

Behind my parent's back we'd already begun our first one, in fact I was leaving today to begin the first part of our next plan. But first I had to explain this all too my dad, I knew he'd be proud that I was following in his footsteps. Carrying on the Castaletta legacy with Frankie, kind of. We weren't going to be mobsters, or start a new Mafia. But there were a few things around the world we wanted, a few people we didn't want in the world and some jobs for others.

I placed on a black trench coat over my dress. My outfit was perfect and I was prepared for the first step of my new life. The suitcase was packed all I needed was my gun. I walked over to my desk and opened the drawer to reveal the velvet box, perfectly intact. Opening the box, I re-read the note Frankie wrote for me, and admired the gun's beauty before placing it in my bag.

Slipping on a pair of pink Valentino pumps, I admired myself in the mirror. 2 months ago, I would never have recognised myself. But now I knew myself better than ever, this was who I was meant too be. This was it, I strutted along to my dad's office, I had a huge smile on my face, I'd never been happier. Nervously my knuckles rapped on the door and I walked inside.

''Hi daddy!'' I exclaimed as I kissed him on the cheeks before sitting down.

''You look very happy today,'' he smiled ''So you have decided?''

''Yes, oh my gosh you're going to be so happy!'' My smile beamed from ear to ear.

''Well then Sofia, do tell,''

''Okay so me and Frankie were talking and we have some plans. I'm going to be just like you, it's so exciting, we already have like associates and-''

''Sofia are you serious!'' He shouted ''You're a child!''

''I'm 18 next month actually,'' I informed him, my smile gradually getting smaller.

''Sofia, I don't want you involved in any of this''

''I'm not involved with your business,we're starting our own, you know 'buisness' ''

''No Sofia you're not, that's final.''

''It's too late, I already have an meeting in St Petersburg in a few hours with some associates'' I told him, putting on my sunglasses.

''Assosciates? You don't know what you're talking about!'' He jumped out of his seat

''Oh, I do, I know everything.'' I checked my watch ''Oh look at the time I must go.'' I walked out of his office and into the living room, where my mother was flicking through the latest issue of US Weekly.

She stood up too wish me goodbye.

''Sofia darling, you look a million bucks, good luck okay honey'' she kissed me on the cheeks and squeezed me tight, she'd been much more affectionate since I came back.

''I love you mom'' I squeezed her back and I stepped into the elevator, waving at them both, as the doors closed.

As usual I walked through the lobby and out onto the sidewalk, enjoying the sound of the hustle and bustle of New York. Until that was rudely interrupted.

My father had stormed out and was now stood behind me shouting about how ridiculous I was being. He was judging me, what a hypocrite.

''I tried to keep you out of this I really did.'' he said shaking his head.

''Well daddy dearest you didn't try hard enough,'' I turned around to face him '' It's quite entertaining really..why ever did you try to hide it from me?!'' I laughed at him

'' I don't even know you anymore. You are not my Sofia.''

''I'm still Sofia, I'm just an Improved version. Sofia 2.0 if you will,'' I smiled ''Oh and it is SO fun, I have constantly dreaded becoming exactly like my mother!''

''You didn't have to do that you know, you could of gone to college, got a job..'' I cut him off

''You say that now, but even still we know it's not true. Don't lie to me.''

''It's true Sofia..and now look at you. Look at what you've become!''

''What I've become? I'm surprised really. I'm just like you, I though you'd be proud'' I turned around ''I have an meeting to attend''

He grimaced.

''You're nothing like me.'' he snapped

''But that's just the thing daddy, I'm exactly like you.''

I smiled at him and got into the car, Frankie was already inside. My father was still stood there, glaring at me, I waved and closed the door; the car started and drove away with a screech.

Frankie kissed me on the cheek and handed me a pistol. I gave it back to him and pulled out my own diamond encrusted Beretta 92.

''Are you ready?'' he smiled at me

''Always'' I smiled back.


Authors Note

So this is it. I've finally finished Mind Over Matter! I would love to thank anybody who has read this and truly enjoyed it!

I have had so much fun writing this book, it has been a really great experience and I have an emotional connection to my characters and I hope to expand them in the future!

This is the first book I have ever written fully and I'm pretty proud. I will be going back over it to check grammer etc. However I will not be making any dramatic changes.

I also in the works have a basis for a sequel abot Sofia and Frankie's life after the ending, but I don't know what my readers think and would love your opinions and what you'd love too see!

Anyway again, thankyou so so so so so so much for reading mon cheries<3

- Hollié Marie

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