You Could Never Get Rid of Me

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I watched as my old home burned because of The Governor.


I kept walking with my pet walkers behind me, Michonne had taught me before all the shit happened.

Nights passed as I dreamt of my cowboy, Carl.


I was walking on a trail when I noticed footprints.

"It could be Carl and Rick," I thought to myself.

My friend Daryl had taught me how to track so I decided to follow it.


I was with my whole family eating dinner.

The laughs, the smiles filled the room.

"Mom, can you pass me the bread?"

"Of course!" smiled my mom

Suddenly everything went darker my whole family was chopped up and had been eaten.

"NO! NO! NO!"

I woke up in the car I had found last night.

I gasped for air and I looked at my pets.


I kept walking around a neighborhood when I noticed someone walking.

I jogged a little bit towards them and pointed my gun.

"Put your hands up!"

The dark-skinned woman turned around, Michonne.

"Oh my God! Michonne!!"

I ran towards her and we hugged.

"(y/n)! How'd you survive?" asked Michonne staring at the walkers.

"You and Daryl."

"What do you mean?" asked Michonne

"Well, Daryl taught me how to track and your old walker pets." I smiled, "and also I found tracks I think it's Rick's and— "

"Carl's?" said Michonne finishing my sentence.

"Yeah. Oh, my God, you saw it too?"

"They looked like Rick's boots," responded Michonne.


We kept walking as we followed the trail.

We didn't talk nor even look at each other.

"Hey... Are you okay?"

She didn't move, "I'm fine."

I nodded and watched her go ahead of me.


After walking for a few hours we arrived at a bar.

Walking inside I raised my gun.

A dead walker laid on the floor.


We walked towards a house and saw there was an empty chocolate pudding.

"Maybe Carl found that."

I walked up the steps and tears started forming in my eyes.

I knocked and waited.

Michonne put her ear against the door and she started tearing up also.

The door opened and Carl stood shocked.

"Carl!" I said.

I jumped in front of Michonne and ran to hug carl.

"Oh my God!! I missed you so much."

I started crying even more.

"(y/n) I thought you were gone I'm sorry," said Carl

"You could never get rid of me."

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