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"Thanks hyung", Jungkook giggled.

Taehyung remembered something and quickly shifted himself on the bed to reach his drawer. He took out his wallet, "How much do you want? I do understand if it's too pricey since I only requested for a kiss but it escalated to this", Taehyung took out some amount of cash out.

Jungkook quickly realized that he's a prostitute; he has been forgetting about that since he asked Taehyung to kiss him back. "Umm...", Jungkook was lost for his words. Taehyung smiled softly, "Or you could just stay here and stop working as a prostitute. It's damaging to your body, sweetheart", he suggested.

Jungkook has never felt such attention and affection in his life. A few drops of tears escaped from the end of his eyes, "But I'm dirty", he sobbed. He covered his face and Taehyung could clearly see his hands were quivering.

"Jung-", the older boy stopped and sighed, "It's okay... You are still young. I will take care of you for the rest of my entire life". He crawled onto Jungkook's body, leaving butterfly kisses on his face. Jungkook looked into Taehyung's shining eyes, "It's... I can't do this", he sobbed before pushing Taehyung away and walked to the shower leaving Taehyung clueless and sad.


Jungkook popped his head out from the shower, "Where's the towel", he asked. Taehyung walked to his cupboard and took out a white fluffy towel before he hands it to the younger. "Thanks", Jungkook said before he closed the door back. Taehyung looked down, "Yeah, welcome", he smiled to himself, trying to not cry.

After a while, Jungkook came out from the shower with the towel on his head. He ruffled his head with it a little more before putting it aside. "Well...", Jungkook said a few numbers and Taehyung nodded. He took out some money and gave it to the younger. The younger didn't bother to count it, he just stormed out of the room. 'He didn't even look into my face', Taehyung cried to himself.

Jungkook closed the door and he met the loneliness of the corridor again. He pulled out his earphones out and put it on before plugging it into his phone. He put the song on shuffle and the first song that was played was Love Lies by Khalid and Normani. He frowned before he put his phone back into his pocket.

He walked towards the stairs when a voice honeyed greeted him, "Hey, you're the one right?"

He turned his head to his right, meeting a plain guy. He had a mental war with himself before he said, "No", and quickly ran to the room he was before.

He opened the door, seeing Taehyung was crying. He went inside and closed the door - the music playing on his phone is now Lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid - and approached the older before hugging him tightly. He cried his heart out, joining Taehyung.

"I love you... I love you... I love you", the brown haired boy repeated as he wraps his hands around Jungkook. Jungkook sobbed, "I want to be with you forever... Please accept me", he tightened his hug desperately. "Yes", Taehyung bit onto his bottom lip, "Please stay with me forever".

The boys hugged each others, sobs filled the room up. Despite that, it's such a calming moment.

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