Chapter 1

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Damian sat at the foot of his bed watching the small black great Dane he had received from Raven mere days ago play with a torn rag, biting into it and try his best to tear it into as many pieces as possible. Damian pounded about the events he and his team had just went though, still not believing Slade was still truly dead knowing how crafty the assassin was and that it wouldn't be the first time he would have escaped deaths grasp!

but that's not what was bothered him the most. The thing that had really had been getting to him lately was a recurring dream of his grandfather Ra's al ghul almost trying to contact him! Know how impossible this was considering he was dead Damian initially brushed it off but it kept coming back, like a plague on the mind.

pulling him out of his thoughts was a knock on his door followed by its opening, Damian sure of who it was did not react to this as he watched the slim clocked figure of Raven step through the door way.

"Kori asked me to grab you for dinner!" said Raven as she watched the small puppy walk up to her from his now completely torn rag.

kneeling down to pick up the dog she shot a glance at Damian who still hadn't said anything, still looking at the same spot on the floor Titus was playing seconds ago "not hungry" Damian eventually replied back getting up from his seat and walking over to his Katana that sat on top of his dresser. Taking it in hand he began to make his way to the door "I'll be down at the simulator if anybody needs me!" he said with a stoic expression whiles walking past Raven down the hall to the elevator.

Raven watched this as she picked up Titus and hold him in her arms, she knows Damian was still struggling to come to terms with what had unfolded only two weeks ago. The betrayal of Tera and Death strokes return including their deaths, it was hard for the hole team to comprehend. But knowing Damian he probably blames himself for not recognise it sooner.

Making her way back down the hall to the common room with Titus in her arms she could hear the antic for Garfield and Jamie arguing over who would be player one on their gaming console. Rolling her eyes, she made her way over to Donna who was having a conversation with Kori and Dick who had came over with pizza. Sitting on a stool at the island in the middle of the kitchen she watches Titus as he looked up at her from her lap and then nuzzling his head into her chest to get more comfortable as he slowly fell asleep on her lap.

"Where's Damian?" Kori asked making Raven look up from the site of the softly sleeping puppy "He said he wasn't hungry and then left to go down to the simulator!" Raven replied watching as Kori turned to Dick who was leaning against the kitten bench with his arms crossed. "he's been like this for the past two weeks and his behaviour toward the rest of the team has been getting worse!" Kori said with a worried tone in her voice as she watched Dick think "ill have a chat with him- " "I've tried that already but he won't talk and just gets angry and storms of punching everything in sight! This is Damian we're talking about remember." Said Kori interrupted.

Looking down Dick though some more but then laid his eyes on Raven who looked back at him with confusion "why don't you try talking to him." Surprised Raven looked to Kori who was thinking about what Dick had said "you are the closest one to him here other than Dick being his brother!" Raven though about what both Kori and Dick had suggested, it was well known that Damian and her were good friends, closer than anybody really know, she would be lying to her self if she said she didn't have feeling for the son of Batman! but because of how close they were she know just how reclusive he was and how much he hated showing or talking about his feelings like she once was before she met the Titans and learned how to express them better. After some though on what she would even say to him she agreed to try to get him to come out or at least get though a couple of walls!

The next day Raven went to talk to Damian about what was bothering him so greatly, she of course found him down in at the training simulation, leaning up against a wall she watched as he flipped around the room slicing all the enemy holograms with relative ease considering the simulation was on the highest setting. After finishing another wave of enemies Damian saw he had an audience, noticing this Raven stepped forward to try and talk with him but before she could get a word out another round started and Damian was back to eliminating the enemies in front of him, "Damian can we talk!" Raven asked but he didn't respond and continued to take down the holograms "Damian?" still no response, if anything Damian started to fight harder. Annoyed by this Raven yelled "DAMIAN?" "WHAT?" Damian yelled in return as he stabbed the final enemy in the chest from behind, shocked by his reaction she took a step back knowing that Damian would not attack her but still being coerces especially since he hasn't exactly been in the best mood lately. "I said. We need to talk!" Raven answered in a stern tone.

With an annoyed frown painted on his face, he glared at her as he walked to the the simulator control panel to pause it "ABOUT WHAT?" "about the way you have been behaving towards everyone lately, about you not taking care of yourself by training until your fall over and not eating!" Raven said In a slightly raised voice, getting more and more pissed at Damian, this was not how this talk was supposed to go "SINCE WHEN DO YOU CARE?" Damian shot back, his anger growing by the second.

Hurt by this Ravens face soften "you know I care about you Damian. I just want to know what's wrong and help you If can!" Raven replied, hoping she could get though to him, she was wrong. Damian gritted his teeth at this, his anger reaching boiling point turning to face her he lost it "I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP! I DON'T NEED ANYONE'S HELP! JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GOING THOUGH DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN HELP ME SO WHY DON'T YOU DEAL WITH YOUR OWN DADDY ISSUE'S AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Raven was taken back by this outburst, tear brimming in her eyes threatening to fall she just stared at Damian, not believing what he had just said to her, she could feel a sharp pain in her chest as she watched him walk away out of the training room. Ravens attention was then brought to the sound of someone walking down the hall, looking over to see who it was she was greeted by the site of Kori.

Quickly wiping away the tears brimming in her eyes she watched as Kori approached her "I heard yelling is everything okay?" she asked in a worried voice "yea I just.... the chat didn't exactly go to well! "Raven said giving a weak smile, Kori walked closer to Raven, putting her arms around her as Raven just stood there thinking about what Damian had said to her, she needed to meditate to just clear her mind. 

Hey guys, so I hope u like it so far. Please comment and tell me weather I should keep going with it or not, any way a new chapter will be up within the next couple of hour if not first this tomorrow. 😊 

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