I'm ok now

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*Connor's POV~

I was having the best time with some of my best friends until I heard my phone ring. I couldn't stop staring at Ellie. She laughed so beautifully. Her smile was just perfect. Everything about her was practically perfect.

Although everything was ruined once I got that call. It was my father so I stepped outside to take it.

"Son?" My dad asked.

"Yeah dad?" I replied with.

"Your mother...s-she's in a coma. Some d-drunk asshole rammed into her! She may never wake up..." He told me, crying. As soon as the words left his mouth, my stomach dropped. My hands became sweaty and I couldn't move a muscle.

"I-I love you dad." Is all I could reply with. I don't know why I chose that out of everything, but I can't imagine how he's feeling right now. If this is bad for me, imagine how it's going to be for him. I hung up and moped back to my friends, telling them what happened. I tried holding in the tears that were begging to be spilled because I really didn't want Ellie seeing me like this. I just looked at the floor and cried softly...it was extremely hard to hold in.

Ellie had said something, but I was just blocking everything out. All my surroundings didn't matter to me anymore. I just wanted to be alone.

That's until I felt a soft, warm touch on my hand, causing me to look up. Of course it was Ellie's hand. She pulled me out of my chair and we all walked out of Starbucks. I assumed she was taking me to the hospital to see my poor mother.

I couldn't help it. I pulled Ellie into a tight hug and just started balling. I heard her start softly crying also. I had already known that she went through the same thing because of our little confess fest earlier. I was mostly upset because my mom didn't deserve this. She was always so kind to everyone. She once gave $100 bucks to a homeless man that could have easily spent that on drugs or beer. She always was a great woman. She treated me and my 3 other siblings just fine. She didn't deserve this at all. At all!

*Ellie's POV~

After Connor hugged me, I just wanted to break down and cry...and cry and cry. I felt so so bad for him! No one on this entire planet, deserves to lose their family to some asshole. We drove to the hospital Connor's dad had texted him. Is was only about 45 minutes away. Kian and Jc sat in the back of the car this time, leaving Connor with me in the front. It was a silent drive the whole way besides Connor softly crying. I needed to comfort him somehow. I saw his hand gripping on to the seat as he was facing the window. I slowly grabbed it and gripped on tight. I saw him look at me from the corner of my eye. I didn't look back. I really hated seeing him like this.

As soon as we arrived at the hospital, Connor told us to just head home. As in the O2L house. We didn't refuse, although I felt bad for leaving him there. I'm sure all of his family would be there so I wasn't too upset. I dropped Connor off towards the front of the hospital. He had released my hand a little earlier but for some reason I wanted to stay like that forever. I didn't leave right away. I just watched as he walked into the hospital, totally forgetting there was 2 other boys with me.

"I honestly think he really cares about you Ellie." I heard Kian say behind me, rather softly. I didn't reply, although I think I blushed a little. That wasn't possible, we barely met yesterday. I drove off, Jc telling me which way to go. We arrived in about 20 minutes, walking up to their extraordinarily large house. I was staring until some guy, probably a couple years older than Kian, ran out to greet us.

*Connor's POV~

I slowly walk into the hospital room the nurse instructed me to go to see my mother. The first thing I see is a very bruised and bloody woman laying on a hospital bed. At first I thought I had stepped in the wrong room until I saw my other siblings and father.

"She's getting better...well, better than yesterday." He explains as soon as I come in. I walk straight over to her and start crying softly. My sister walks over and hugs me from behind, crying also.

*Ellie's POV~

He walks up to Kian and Jc, totally ignoring me.

"Poor Connor..." He starts, "we need to do something to comfort him!" He half shouts.

"We could have a party!?" Jc suggests. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Hey look! Your mom is dying! Let's throw a party!" I said sarcastically. He just glares at me. "I say...he comes home, walks in to see your living room full with pillows and blankets an-"

"And food and we can watch movies and snuggle togeth-" Kian interrupts, then interrupted by me again.

"Exactly! We need him to forget about everything for a little while..." I would know.

*Connor's POV~

After seeing my mother, I just wanted to go home and sleep and forget about everything. Screw making videos or spending time with friends. Nothing matters anymore.

I pull up to the house. I plan on just walking through, ignoring everyone including Ellie. As soon as I open the door, someone grabs my hand and yanked me into the loving room. I now notice it was Ellie, a little joy rushing through my body. She pushes me into a pile of blankets and pillows. She then had the rest of the boys;Kian, Jc, and Ricky, strangle me with blankets until I was completely covered and warm. I then see Ellie with multiple movies, putting one of them in the DVD player. I give her a slight smile as she walks over to me. She sits on my lap and hugs me tightly.

"I know how you're feeling..." She whispers in my ear. I smile at her, pulling her face closely to mine. She gives me a shocked look, but I ignore it. Everything I've been going through, and she comes and makes everything perfect. So I decided to kiss her, our lips touching only barely. All I hear is everyone shout,

"D'AWWWW!" I turn extremely red and we break our kiss.


Ok so I know this chapter was really stupid, but whateves. I'll make the next one better I promise!

Omigosh guys! I'm nearing 50 reads! Woohoo! Tysm!


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