Our date

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A few minutes later, Connor was driving us to a mysterious destination.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Shh. It's a surprise." He replies with a small smirk. I smile back, excited to see where he's taking me. About 25 minutes later, we arrive in a vacant parking lot.

"Uh Connor..?" I awkwardly ask him. "Where exactly are we?" He doesn't say anything, but steps out of the car and opens the door for me. I step out and look around the parking lot, it was empty and smelled gross and I had no idea why he was bringing me here.

He grabbed my hand and lead me around the corner of an old and broken building. We walk inside and see that it's completely empty but some how still classy. We reach the elevator and Connor presses the button to take us all the way to the roof of the building. Ok, so he's taking me to the top of a falling apart building...sounds fun.

We reach the top and the elevator door slowly opens. As soon as I see what's outside, my jaw drops. I gasp and hug Connor as tightly as I can. As soon as I left the elevator, you walk through a maze of beautiful flowers and sparkling lights and burning candles. There's soft music playing that gets louder as we walk further and further. Connor, still holding my hand, covers my eyes. He walks me a little further down the path until we reach a stop.

"Okay...look." He whispers. He removes his hand and before me, you can see the entire city of Los Angeles, all lit up and awake. I gasp and kiss Connor on the cheek. We stand there for awhile and just talk until he turns me around to see an adorable placement.There lays a small table with only two seats and a small jar with a few flowers in between the seats. Hanging lights surround us, hanging above our heads. Suddenly, a suited up Jc walks down the windy path with one of those fancy trays you only see in movies. I smile as he opens it, revealing two large plates of spaghetti and meatballs. (Hopefully better than mine). I thank Jc as he walks away. He smirks and gives me a wink in reply.

All that night, Connor and I laughed and smiled and got to know each other more than we already did. He was really an amazing guy and I'd honestly love to be with him. As soon we we've finished eating, we stood up and Connor put his arm around my shoulders . We slowly walked away from the beautiful place and back down the elevator and to the car.

*Connor's POV~

Okay, the first part of the date went perfectly. I just had to get through the second part without any mistakes. I walk Ellie to the car and prayed Kian was able to pull everything together. As soon as we were both inside, Ellie thanked me for the amazing time we had together. I gave her a light peck on the cheek before heading off. I drove slowly back to the house to give the boys a little bit of extra time. As soon as we park, I jump out of the car and open the door for Ellie. She grabs my hand and I lead her to the front door...

*Ellie's POV~

This was one of the most amazing dates I've ever been on! It was quite depressing to realize it was over to be honest. Connor and I had just left the car and are now walking towards the front door, hand in hand. As I was reaching for the door handle, he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. He slowly leans in and softly touched my lips with his. I kiss back softly, grabbing the back of his neck. We had a mini make-out session for about 2 30 seconds until I pull away.

He smiles and opens the door, leading me into the completely darkened house. He turns on the lights and he leads me into the living room. I gasp when I see what lays before me. A pair of comfy pajamas (brand new and adorable, I might add), more than a dozen movies (one already in the tv), blankets and pillows layer every where (like what I did for Connor that one night), and candy and popcorn and soda scattered every where. I glance at Connor with my mouth open in awe. He nodded and threw me the comfy outfit with a cheeky grin. I smile back and run into my bedroom to change.

*Connor's POV~

Oh thank god everything worked out great. I mean, this wasn't much, but it was just something cute for Ellie. I also though it'd be really fun because we are both so in love with movies. I run into my bedroom satisfied and throw on some sweatpants and a simple t-shirt. I was honestly really afraid Kian would mess up everything. I mean, his job was to simply go out and buy a few things for this whole thing, but knowing Kian, he could easily screw everything up. I quickly text Kian and thank him before running down the stairs to see Ellie already flopped on the couch eating the huge bowl of popcorn. I jump next to her and she lies her head on my chest. I start the movie and decide...I'm gunna ask her already.


What's he gunna ask her?! 😂😂

Thanks guys for over 100 reads! Ily and stay amazing!💕


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