Movin in

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*Connor's POV~

I wake up around 11am. I'm so freaking lazy, I think and chuckle at myself. I notice that 1. I'm in my own bed and 2. Where the hell is Ellie. I check my phone and sure enough I see a text from her. I read she went to get some clothes a few hours ago so I assume she's back by now and down stairs. I quickly jump in the shower and get dressed. I run downstairs to see her cooking food (probably lunch by now) and I can't help but smile. She's just too cute...she sees me and smiles back.

I walk over and stand behind her. Ever since last night, I've become less stressed about my mother and more comfortable with Ellie. I now notice she's, well attempting, to cook spaghetti.

"The other boys all went out to get food, although I'm kinda broke at the moment so I decided to make something here." She explains. I honestly feel like Ellie and I are a thing now. I put my arms around her waste and my head on her shoulder. She smiles but I think she's a little uncomfortable. I quickly step back and she sighs. I awkwardly leave the kitchen and walk into my bedroom, a little embarrassed.

*Ellie's POV~

I have to admit, Connor was cute, sweet and funny, although I'm not exactly ready for a relationship at the moment. I mean, I realize that I was imagining us being together earlier today, that's until I remembered Taylor (Connor's Ex-Girlfriend). I didn't want to start any drama like her and that other girl...umm oh yeah Jenn. I felt bad so I turned off the stove and ran up the stairs. I walk towards Connor's room, preparing myself before opening the door. He laid on his bed with his laptop. He kind of glanced at me. I walked over to him and laid next to him. He didn't even look at me. I could tell he was either upset or embarrassed.

"Connor, I'm sorry...I'm just a little nervous to, well become closer to you." I explain. My head was in his shoulder, so he had to look down at me. He sighs before saying,

"I'm freaking out for no reason. You felt a little uncomfortable and I freaked out over it. I'm sorry. Now let's go eat your noodles!" He laughs. I smile and leap out of his bed and run downstairs.

*Connor's POV~

I watch her as she runs downstairs, really excitedly. I laugh at how she reminded me when I was younger. Which somehow reminded me, I should visit my mother!

"Ellie you're going to hate me!" I shout from in my room where I'm grabbing my shoes. I make my way down the stairs.

"I've been thinking about it too! Go visit your momma!" She yells. I smile and kiss her on the cheek, making her red. 'Thank you' I mouth as I step outside the door. She was too perfect.

*Ellie's POV~

About 30 minutes after Connor had left, the rest of the boys got back from Panera. I smiled at them while eating my rather disgusting spaghetti, kind of jealous of their lunch choice. I decide to just throw it away. As I'm doing this, Ricky walks over to me and grabs my hand. He pulls me down the hall and I have to admit I was kind of scared on where we were going until he opened a door and introduced me to my new room.

I smiled hugely and kind of freaked out. It was huge and had my own bathroom. It also had a really cool window seat! I wonder why no one wanted this room! It was perfect. I hugged Ricky and repeated 'thank you' like 45 times. He just laughed as Jc and Kian brought in my bags. I hugged them both and decided I would have to see my mother a lot sooner than I expected if I wanted furniture.

*Connor's POV~

I walk into my mother's hospital room, very nervous. She was alone his time so i decided to have a little talk with her.

"Mother, I need to tell you that I love you so much. You're literally everything to me. Without you, I don't think I'd be able to live with myself anymore..." I began crying, " please come back mother. I need you...we all need you!" I dug my face into the hospital blankets by her feet and held her hand. That's when the doctor rushed in.

*Ellie's POV~

I decided to get my furniture now, so Kian, Jc and Ricky all piled into my little Bug and rode over to my mothers house. I didn't even bother knocking, I just barged in and I didn't see my mother any where. Her car was here, she must be in her room...I ignore it because I was still pretty pissed about earlier. The boys began carrying my things down the stairs. My bed in pieces, my desk as is, my nightstands without drawers. We walk outside and to load everything and I feel like a complete idiot.

"How the hell do we fit this In the car?!" I yelled. Everyone began laughing. I decided to call Connor because he had his pick-up truck, which would help out a lot. He answered,

"You will NOT believe what just happened!" He answers with. He sounded very excited so I asked what.

"My mother woke up! She woke up!!" I swear I could hear him smiling on the other side of the phone. I was actually very happy for him! Although I still needed him so I told him to get over here. That was a little selfish of me, I thought. We stood outside for about an hour before Connor arrived at the house.

"Where the hell were you?!" I asked him.

"Sorry...traffic." He shrugged and I laughed. We then began loading the furniture in his truck, the smaller parts in the back of my Bug. Everything fit perfectly. We made our way to the house. As soon as we arrived, I just began putting everything together again and situating my room, until I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I yelled at the boys. I got up and ran towards the door. As I open it, literally the worst person to ever stand in front of me...stood in front of me.


Yay she woke up!

But who's at the door?!

Well hope you guys like!


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