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Stan's P.O.V

'I don't get it what did I do?' I thought to myself. I was in the van waiting to go to prison probably for the rest of my life. "Hey Marsh we're here move it or lose it!" The officer yelled. I got out of the van and looked at the prison. It's bigger than I thought. I walked to the entrance and people were staring at me. I was getting nauseous, I'm going to be here with criminals. "Name?" The person asked at the front desk. "S-Stan Stan Marsh." I said quietly. "Stan? What are you doing here?" I looked at the person and saw my uncle. "I don't know." I forgot he got a new job. "Does your parents know about this?" I shake my head Kyle has to tell them anyways.

"Well anyways here's the room key and here's a little advice try not to Escape." I stayed quiet and walked to my cell. Why why did this have to happen to me? "Hey kid move it!" Said a man behind me. "S-sorry sir!" I walked to the cell and sat on the bed. "So what are you in for?" He asked "I don't know...." I looked down at my feet. "I'm in cause of Wendy Testabuger." He said as he looked out the window.

"Wait Wendy got you in here?" I asked as I got off the bed staring at him. "Yeah she didn't get what she wanted so she put me in here." He put his back against the wall and crossed his arms. I should of known Wendy did this to get with Kyle! "Then the same thing happened to me!" I yelled "How old are you anyways?" That came out of nowhere....... "um 16, how old are you?" I asked "I'm 17 I've been here for 3 years now." Now I know why he looked young. He kinda reminds me of Kyle.... No bad Stan your with Kyle get a grip of your self!!! "You okay Stan?" "Y-Yeah yeah I'm fine!" I laughed. What am I going to do?

A/N: well here's a other chapter and what do you think is going to happen? Anyways I'll leave now byeeeeeeeee

Stan x kyle I hate that I love you Where stories live. Discover now