Chapter 1

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Carissa's POV

I wake up and the first thing I see is dark. Is it still night time?

"F.uck!" I hear someone shout, waking me up a little.

"S.hit!" I hear a female voice screech. Checking my phone, I see that it's midnight. Why are people doing it at midnight?

"Your so good," I hear the same girl moan. Eww, this is so disgusting to hear. Minutes later, banging erupts, causing me to jump. Great, now I'm wide awake.

Their groans get louder as the banging increases, making it echo in my room. I start to get annoyed, and decide to go talk to them.

When I stand up, I don't bother to slip into anything as I make my way to the front door. Opening it, the hall echoes the fair screeching noise from my door.

The moans are coming from the person living in front of me. Of course. This guy is a total player.

When I reach the door, I hesitantly knock on it softly, hoping that they would hear me. I knock a second time, but sharper so that they could now clearly hear me. The moaning stops, and I hear footsteps come closer to the door.

The door swings open, causing me to jump.

"What the f.uck-oh it's you," he says. I realize he's only wearing boxers.

"Can you please keep the noise down?" I ask, squinting at the light that's hitting me.

"No," he says in an intimidating voice.

My eyes widen at his answer. "What?"

"You heard me," he leans against the doorway. "No."

"I'm asking you nicely right now so I suggest you keep your noise level down before-"

"Hey," a girl appears next to him. "I'm-uh, going to head home now." And with that, she pushes past him, and steps in the elevator.

He groans and looks at me, a hint of anger in his eyes. "You just made me loose my f.uck for the night."

"You're disgusting," I spat. His whole body changes into a more tense one as he stands straight.

"You don't even know my name. So don't say I'm disgusting. Look at you," he gestures toward what I'm wearing. "I bet you haven't had a good f.uck ever since your lost your virginity." He laughs at me.

I can feel tears welt up by his statement. His body is practically towering over me.

My words are choked and I quickly turn around so he can't see my tears. I quickly rush inside, slamming the door, not bothering if I wake people.

I lost my virginity to some guy at a party. We were both drunk off our asses. I didn't even know his name, but I didn't plan to. The sex was fast and painful, and he wasn't really great at it either. It happened two years ago, it's a blurry memory but I don't think I'll ever forget it. I wanted to lose it so someone I love, but instead I lost it to a drunk douche.

So I never had sex for a long time after that, but I do the usual guys at the clubs, only some. I was never a good girl, but I wasn't a bad ass either. My personality sort of lied between the two.


I'm sitting on my couch, watching some Tv show while I'm drowning in chocolate ice cream when someone knocks on my door. The time is now 2am and I groan in annoyance.

But I push myself off of the couch and make my way over to the door. Without looking through the lens of the door, I open it to reveal that guy. The same guy that insulted me about my sex life.

"What." I bite harshly. He rubs the back of his neck nervously as he looks at me.

"I'm sorry," he blurts. Now he wants to say sorry?

When I decide not to say anything, he starts to get frustrated.

"You're not going to apologize?" He says with sass.

"Excuse me?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"You made my date leave." He states. Date? More like a one night stand.

"So? She should be grateful she left before you kicked her out in the morning. I don't want to f.ucking talk to you." I spat, feeling the angry side come out of me.

"Oh, so the little innocent girl can swear." He coos, a smirk on his face.

That's when I shut the door in his face, but he clamps his hand over the door so it doesn't shut.

"Let go of the door," I say through my gritted teeth. "I don't want to talk to you."

"Well I want to talk to you," he says cooly.

"Why? You must have friends." I roll my eyes at him.

"Well they're asleep right now, being that it's two in the morning." He chuckles. "So you going to let me in?"

"Um no," I try to push the door close but it's no use.

"Fine," he huffs. "But we're continuing this conversation tomorrow." He finally lets go of the door, but I don't close it just yet.

"You don't even know me," I mumble.

"Well allow me to introduce myself," he says curtly. "I'm Zayn Malik, who lives in apartment 53." He holds out a hand. I decide to go with it, and shake his hand. A shiver runs down my spine as my hand connects with his.

"Well you obviously know where I live." He's the first one to let go of our grip.

"You're not going to tell me your name?" He asks.

"Nope." I pop the 'p' and close the door. His chuckle erupts from the other side as I softly lock my door.

"You're really something." I hear him say as another door closes.

After I brush my teeth, I slip into the covers of my bead and think about what happened a while ago.

So his name is Zayn, and he lives in the apartment in front of mine. Cool.


Hi! *waves excitedly* I hope this chapter does you well. You guys liking it? I know kind of boring at the moment but it's only the beginning of the story.

Will be updating in a couple of days.

Question of the day/night: Who's your favorite out of the boys?

My answer: I honestly love all of the boys to heart, but I love Zayn a tiny bit more haha.


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