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After lunch I sit down by my next class. Having a couple minutes of break. "Hey loser"a female voice says to me. I look up and see he red head from the guys bathroom.

"Hey"I say. She smirks and sits next to me. "Sucky day?"she asks. "Kinda. How about you?"I ask. "Girlfriend dumped me for a dude. But she was a bitch"she shrugs. I laugh. "Best friend since eighth grade dumped me because she wanted me to hang out with her boyfriends friends"I explain.

"What a bitch"she smirks. I hold out my hand "Sam"I say. She shakes it. "Charlie. Nice to meet you"she smirks. I nod.

"So we both got dumped. In different ways of course. Wanna be friends. I think we both need it"she offers. I nod.

"Sure you seem nice and not like you would murder me"I shrug.

"Glad I don't give you that vibe. I give others that though"she shrugs. I laugh. "So blue hair looks nice on ya."she says. "Thanks. I hate it"I say.

"So Samuel, when did you realise?"she asks. I stare at her. "Realize What?"I ask.

"That you were a male instead of female"she says. My eyes widen. "How the hell?"I ask. "Sammy I know shit. Don't worry. I haven't told anyone it's not my place. But I do want to know"she smirks.

"7th grade"I tell her. She nods. "Well, know I don't care. I'm gay for gods sake."she laughs. "How did you know?"I ask. "Before I sneaked into the dudes bathroom after you. I noticed how you kinda hesitated. In a certain way. And I kinda thought you were a girl at first"she shrugs. I nod. "The hair?"I ask. "The hair"she replies.

Then the bell went off. "Well Samual. I best get to class. Here's my number"she hands me a piece of paper. I nod. "Thanks. See ya"I wave. She waves as well and runs off.

I walk into class and get ready.

Time skip

I was walking to art when I saw Dean. "Hey Sammy. How's today going?"he asks. "Jess and I are no longer friends. And I made a new friend named Charlie. She's nice"I say.

"Damn. Your day has been more exciting than mine"he pouts. I laugh. "Get over it. Got to go. See ya later"I run off. He waves.

As I get to the class, Gabe runs up behind me. "Good evening Moose"he winks. I smirk. We make it to our seats and wait for the teacher to start talking.

"Ok. Projects anyone have any thoughts about what your doing?"Callie asks the class. One person raised their hand. "Yeah you"Callie points

"My family"the girl smirks. Callie shrugs. "Nice. Anyone else"she looks around. No one. "God this class. Whatever. Better get it done though"she points to everyone.

I start to think about what I want to draw, and than a paper airplane hits my head. I look around and no one is facing me. Until I see Gabe and he is just smiling. "Hi"he whispers. I nod.

I open the paper airplane and it says-

Good evening Moose. Was wondering if you were ok. I am also friends with that red headed devil. She told me about the jerk blonde. I'm here. Now imagine a winking face.


I smile at the paper. I turn and see Gabe is still staring at me. "I'm good"i whisper. He smirks and works on his drawing. For where I was at, I couldn't see what he was drawing. I shrug and try to think about what to draw. And nothing comes to mind.

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