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"If I could, then I would,I'd go wherever you will go

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"If I could, then I would,
I'd go wherever you will go.
In your heart, in your mind,
I'll stay with you for all of time."

"WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL YOURSELF?" Brady questioned, his eyes glancing upward from his folder, his eyes gazing directly into the hazel ones across from him

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"WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL YOURSELF?" Brady questioned, his eyes glancing upward from his folder, his eyes gazing directly into the hazel ones across from him. Forcing tears back Harley bit down on her lip, rubbing the skin between her teeth, her hands gripping the arms of the chair. Memories of the prior two weeks replayed like a film in her head, each scene clear as day as if it were happened all over again before her eyes.

Harley swallowed and shook her head to shake the nightmare from her mind. "I thought I could change his mind," she whispered, her hands now in her lap, picking the hang nail on the side of her index finger.

"And did you?"

Harley stared into the detectives' eyes, biting harder into her lip until she could faintly taste salty blood seeping through her open wound. "Harley?" Brady questions, pencil in hand with Harley's manila folder in the other, his pen lightly being tapped against the metal table top. Harley's eyes bored into the pen in Brady's hand, watching it bounce up and down, the banging beating loud in her ear drum.

"What do you think?" she spat, her eyes icily glaring at the detective in front of her. "I want to hear you say it," he repeated, his voice laced with stern determination. She shook her head as the tears she tried to hold back from before freed from her eyes, a soft "no" leaving her mouth, coming out barely as a whisper.

 She shook her head as the tears she tried to hold back from before freed from her eyes, a soft "no" leaving her mouth, coming out barely as a whisper

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Hey guys! For a few months now, I've been stuck with a lack of motivation to finish any of my fan fictions, thus the lack of updates. However, with the recent release of the 13 Reasons Why Season 2 trailer, I am officially back on my fan-fiction kick. That little preview was exactly what I needed to be motivated to finish works I've started and create some new. Alongside my 13RW motivation, I've also been wanting to rewrite some past works from way back when I was in high school and beginning to post on Wattpad - lets take it back to 2013 - so I decided to put two and two together.

To Be With You was one of the first short stories I have ever written and I've decided to go back and rewrite it, but turn it into a fan-fiction. The concept of the short story is still the same, however, there will be plot and character changes (again, now it's a fan fiction). For those of you who have read To Be With You back on my extinct Wattpad account, I ask you to kindly please refrain from posting any spoilers. We all hate when surprises are ruined and episodes are spilled before they air/ we watch, so please don't be that person.

Even though this is a rewrite, this is the first draft of the rewrite. Meaning, there will occasionally be small errors here and there. Bare with me. Also, please please please, do note: the story will entail graph and sensitive topics such as depression, self harm, and suicide, adult language, and mild sexual content.

Copyright © Christine Marie / purexblood 2018

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Copyright © Christine Marie / purexblood 2018. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without express written permission from the author. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

To Be With You • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now