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Harley's eyes were wide while she shook holding Justin in her embrace. Tears no longer fell from her lashes as shock overwhelmed her whole – time surrounding the couple pressed on pause.

"Justin," she whispered fighting back sobs from creeping their way from the pit of her chest. Her hand brushed through his brown locks matted in blood and rain atop of his forehead. Harley looked at him taking in his figure while her fingers traced his features: his forehead, downward his nose to over his frail lips. Her index finger brushed over his lips before she softly placed hers upon his. She inhaled and exhaled unevenly while she studied his features before cascading her gaze to the oozing hole where his hear rested within his chest.

The silver bullet no longer could be seen as the scattered material broke evenly within his chest, embedded into his now frozen heart. Harley whimpered, staring at the bullet wound.

"I'd go anywhere with you," she choked out as she shakenly reached over his body to the gun in his hand. She pulled the gun from his grasp and held it over her heart.

Detective Brady brought his chair closer to Harley, rummaging through his manila folder. Shuffling through evidence sheets, he glanced over each photo taken at the scene with his own notes and thoughts written in chicken scratch attached on post it notes. His brows quirked together in one as he tried to piece together each word she uttered.

"So Justin killed himself?"

Harley shook her head from left to right, "no, we both did."

Toying with the hem of her sweater she began pulling the knitted strings apart, tearing the seams. Her gaze fell on the thread between her fingers, "I couldn't do it," she glanced at the detective. "Justin wanted to die so bad," she cried silently, "but I couldn't shoot him like he wanted me to," she wiped her eyes, "so he put his finger on mine," she motioned a gun with her hands, "and pulled the trigger."

"I don't understand," Brady said as he wrote down her statement in ink, "why did he do it?"

The brunette chuckled and the detectives' eyes narrowed causing Harley to sigh in response. "Isn't that the question..." she said with a bitter taste to her tongue, "problems with parents, school, friends, me" she stuttered, "I tried to help but it was a battle with himself."

She crossed her arms then dropped them to her sides, fisting the legs of the metal chair she sat upon. "Justin was the only one who could fix himself," she admitted and wiped her tear stained eyes, "I was just selfish and wanted him to stay, so I tried to stop him but-"

"I wasn't good enough," she continued, "he didn't want to stay."

Brady stood from his chair and stretched his legs, picking up the recorder and stalking towards the girlfriend. He sat on the edge of the table near his suspect and glanced down. "Let me get this straight," he cleared his throat, "you guys made a suicide pact, Justin kills himself – you do too, like some Shakespeare act of love?"

Harley shook her head again and shrugged her shoulders, "no," she straightened her frame, "I didn't want to die but I'd go anywhere to be with him."

authors note,
we've finally come to the end - the long awaited end. thank you guys for your patience with updates, i know this was a long time coming. i hope you guys enjoyed this story as i did when writing. there honestly wasn't any other ending i could picture besides this, the two were doomed to be apart since the beginning.

for my other 13rw ff, for you i will, is still on hold. as i've said prior, i've lost spark/motivation for 13rw. once i get back in that quick, you'll see updates. i want to provide quality work not forced writings. however, i'm currently active w/ writing, born to die (the society) fan fiction, if you guys are interested in that.

thank you again for all your support, reads, votes, & comments. i appreciate you all taking the time to do so. ♥

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