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"You have to trust me," Justin whispered cupping her tear stained cheeks in his hands. Harley's hands clung to his biceps in a grip, fingers digging into his skin. The tan color of his skin faded crisp white as her nails dug down creating thin crimson red-crescent moons. Sniffling, she nodded continuously while struggling to peer at him through her blurred glossy eyes.

Harley bit the bottom of her lip until she could taste the salt of blood in her mouth while she tried to muffle her cries. Justin shook, dropping his hands from cupping her cheeks to intertwine their hands into one. Her body matched his, shaking underneath the pouring rain coating their bodies.

"I love you," he whispered to her, bringing her hands to his lips and placing a kiss on the back of her hand – his lips lingering to her palm and pressing against each fingertip. Her teary eyes fluttered to a close as she focused on the sensation of his lips lightly brushing her skin.

His lips quickly pecked her skin as if he allowed them to linger a second longer flames would rise and burn her skin. "Harley," Justin said, taking a hold of her chin in his hand, lightly thumbing her face in order to soothe her cries.

He was content, he accepted what was to be and all he wanted was to do the same for her.

"Do you trust me?" he questioned, although both knew the answer. Justin held her heart in his hands. Harley nodded, her nerves and fear causing her to stutter a quiet 'yes'. Clearing her throat, she breathed in and out before staring harshly at her boyfriend, "I trust you Justin."

A sad small smile grew upon Justin's face as he pressed his lips tightly against her. His hands cupped her cheeks while her hands snug around his waist. Their bodies molded as one, knowing this was the last time they'd feel this.

Harley pulled away to catch her breath and brought her hands to cover his upon her face, the two lost in each other's sorrowful gaze. Justin sighed and nodded before letting their hands fall.

"Harley," he muttered watching her eyes linger and burn daggers into his bag. "Harley," he repeated. "Hmm?" she hummed then snapped her head to return her eyes to him. He picked up the back and unzipped the pocket, motioning for her to grab the object tucked under a cloth, "take it."

Harley stared at the silver and began shaking her head. He repeated the words many times, sang the plan to her continuously until she too could repeat them by memory. Still, she thought she could change his mind but now considering the state they were in – it was all too real, and she hadn't changed his mind.

"Justin," she hesitated, taking a step back to cross her arms over her chest. Justin closed the gap again so they were toe to toe. All color drained from his face and he began to sweat as anxiety rushed over him. Harley was backing out of his plan, their plan.

He gripped her shoulder with his free hand in order to maintain her stance but she attempted to shrug him off. "Take it babe," he said prying her hand to force her to grab the bag, "You said you would, you trust me."

Harley's body shook from beneath Justin's grip, a pool of emotions dominating the thoughts in her mind. She shook her head as tears cascaded downward, "I ca-cant." His hand tightened upon her shoulder and she let out a whimper, "Justin please," she turned from him.

"No!" he yelled, his tone mixed with frustration and fear, "I love you – you love me," he laughed, "it's the only way Harley, the only way."

His hand left her shoulder to cup her chin tightly, forcing her to look him in the eyes. She stared into his eyes - the blue ones that once left her in a hypotonic daze now mimicked the darkness of night sky, no longer shining with bright stars.

"We love each other," Justin whispered kissing the corner of her lips, "we love each other," he repeated grabbing the object from the back and placing it in her free hand. His hand covered hers, forcing her to hold it until he could let his hand fall.

Harley gritted her teeth and looked down at her left hand, glaring at the silver object in her hand. Her fingers traced the outline of the barrel before placing her index finger next to the trigger. She looked back up at Nash who was staring down at her breathing heavily.

She watched him nod at her before lifting her hand to bring the gun in front of their bodies, separating them both. "It's the only way," she whispered with dark eyes. "They only way," he finished, placing his fingers over hers on the trigger.

an: i'm so sorry it has taken me forever and a day to update this story. i think we can all agree that sadly, my heart isn't in this story anymore. however, chapters have been previously written so i will continue with updates but there will be errors and flaws. thank you guys for your support and patience with my works & i hope you enjoy the rest that's to come. ♥ x

To Be With You • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now