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"So then what happened...?" Brady asked with his elbows perched atop of the tables, his ears perked upward as suspense creeped up his skin. His hand twirled his empty coffee cup that he downed hours ago, the sound of his suspect breathing and empty foam along metal lingering within the air between them.

Harley's cold eyes bore into the detectives while her chin rested upon her own open palms, "sirens rang," she said nonchalantly. Brady sighed and removed his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose pinching his skin in between. "Before the cops came," he added and placed his glasses back on his face.

She sighed focusing her gaze on the brown door behind Brady's head, "I don't remember," she shrugged and mumbled. Brady fought back a groan and pushed his chair backwards as his patience was wearing thing. For hours he allowed Harley to speak on her own accord, knowing prior events were soft and emotional triggers; however, by doing so he allowed her to travel in circles – not once coming near the final blow – what truly happened to Justin Foley that night.

"Enough with the bull shit Harley, it's time to come clean. What happened?"

Harley bit her chapped lip until she began to feel salt from her fresh wounds and crossed her arms over her chest, pinching the skin on the inside of her arms. She shook her head while she dug her nails into her skin, her eyes coating a sheet of gloss, "I watched him die," she whispered. Tears began to fall from her eyes and she closed them repeating the words of the night she desperately prayed to forget, "I watched him die."   

To Be With You • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now