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"Justin come on!" Harley giggled running through the crowd, pushing people who blocked her path on the side of the street. His legs pumped as he ran behind her, his feet trailing her every step as he laughed at her childishness. He breathlessly muttered few apologies to those he knocked shoulders with only receiving glares in response of his carelessness.

It was the annual Sebastapol carnival, bringing in every townsman and woman for a weekend of games and whimsical prizes to barbeque foods and thrilled rides. The pair had gone with their families as children to eventually the pair attending the carnival for their first date. Since their date clearly had gone well, the couple chose to celebrate their anniversary at the fair yearly.

Justin slowed down as he caught up to Harley, wrapping his arms around her waist and showering her body in his warmth from behind.

"The ride isn't going anywhere," he laughed while placing his lips to her right temple. Harley smiled looking at her boyfriend from her peripheral vision, "I know but I wanted to hurry and get on."

Justin shook his head and intertwined the fingers as he pulled her through the line, "oh how you're too impatient," he grinned while placing butterfly kisses to her fingers.

Harley rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue, "and you still love me."

"That I do."

To Be With You • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now