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2 Weeks Ago

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2 Weeks Ago

Rain fell from the sky, droplets of water bouncing up and down as it hit the rocks atop of the room; thumps echoing throughout the room. Harley and Justin both lay on Justin's bed, his arms around her body pressing her into his own; her head just below his chin on his chest. Her grip was tight around his waist while his fingers danced in an up and down pattern along her arm. She sighed watching his movements of each finger-tip leaving tiny white goose bumps in place upon her skin. Harley buried her face into Justin's chest and tightened her grip around him, muttering into his chest, "is it selfish of me to not want you to go?"

Justin's fingers halted in place upon her arm and sighed, using his opposite hand to rub the side of his face. He was at war with himself. He too, didn't want to go, but then, he had no other option. This was the only answer in his head and once he set his mind upon an idea, he was dead set.

"I don't want to go," he admitted quietly.

Harley sat upright immediately, her heart rapidly beating against her chest. Hoisted herself over his lap, Harley plopped herself atop of his frame, her legs straddling around his lower abdomen. "Then stay!" she pleaded. Her hands griped his own, intertwining her fingers with his and locking them tight so he couldn't pull them apart – if he even wanted to. "Stay with me," she hushed.

Justin leaned upward and shuffled himself on the bed until he was sitting straight up with his back against the headboard. Harley was nestled in place upon his lap and the two battled each other's painful gazes. Harley's pleading him to see through his struggles and pain, and Justin willing her to understand his perception but knowing, it was far from possible. No one understood the thoughts in his mind nor did they understand the mess he created and couldn't fix.

Closing his eyes, Justin kissed her forehead then rested his against her own. His hands unwind from hers and flow down to the side of her hips, pulling her frame tighter against his, the thin gap closing between bodies. Harley's hands were on autopilot, lingering into a lock behind his neck as if their bodies could there be molded into one stone.

Tiny droplets of tears cascaded from Harley's eyes as she held on to him, her own heartbeat synchronizing with his acceleration. His fingers snuck under her shirt and dug into her sides before sliding to her lower back, rubbing her skin in slow motions. "Hey," he whispered, his lips lingering to the side of her head above her ear, "it's going to be okay." Biting her lip, Harley nuzzled her nose into the crook of his neck, her lips lightly pressing small butterfly kisses to his neck up towards his jawline. She let out a shaky shy and placed a peck upon his cheek, her chapped lips hovering over his skin before pulling away fully only to bury her face once more in his chest.

Justin's adam's apply bobbed as he gulped to fight back the tears wanting to fall from the slits of his eyes. Guilt.

Guilt was the only feeling Justin was succumbed to. He couldn't remember feeling anything besides that. If he wasn't feeling guilty for the tapes then it was for not protecting Jessica, and if it wasn't for her then it was for not being able to give Harley the love she deserved and showered him in. He was drowning in absolutely nothing but numbness and guilt.

Harley continued to shower Justin in kisses, hoping her loving touch would cure the ache in his chest, however, although his skin was heated underneath her lips, all he felt was nothing but cold. She could feel the distance between them even though they weren't nearly apart but she still tried – tried to make him feel something. With a defeated sigh, Harley placed one last kiss to his cheek and met his distraught and lifeless eyes, "I'd go anywhere with you."


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To Be With You • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now