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Present Day

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Present Day

"Are you going to tell us anything?" Brady sighed, gripping his coffee in hand while leaning against the back rest of his chair. Crossing her arms over her chest, Harley brought her legs up to the chair and crossed them underneath her sitting frame. Tears no longer fell from her eyes as she sat there in a mimicked position towards the detective before her; her gaze toying with his as they fought the other for dominance.

His chair rocked as he leaned forward. "Anything?" he questioned, his voice but faltering only slightly in attempt to maintain power rather than the defeat boiling in the depth of his chest. Harley shook her head and shot the man a subtle smirk, "nope." Irritation flowed through Brady's veins causing his grip to loosen on his coffee, the mug shattering as it hit the ground in synchronization with his fist colliding atop of the desk between them.

The vein on the side of his forehead began to show while small little bubbles of sweat began to coat his hairline. Her eyes roamed to the shattered cup, watching a puddle of warm coffee form underneath the glass on the marble floor.

"You need to give me something here," he chuckled.

Her eyes drifted back upward and she smiled softly, "I hope that mug wasn't important."

Brady's brows furrowed, his knuckles returning to their tanned color as his grip was no longer tightened in frustration. His eyes went to the ground where his first mug on the job lay broken with the rest of his now cold coffee. A 'dammit' cursed through his breath as he bent and picked up the discarded glass into the palm of his hand.

"Don't cut yourself," she cooed, watching him with playful eyes as he tossed the cup into the trash bin near the door and returned to the desk, side stepping the liquid he had yet to clean up.

His hands brushed downward on the front sides of his vest and he let out a breath of fresh air, "now, you know what I mean when I say you need to tell me something."

"I actually don't," she replied with an eye roll, "- need to tell you anything, you know everything." He stared at the girl before him and mentally counted to ten to regain the patience he momentarily lost. "I need to know what you know Harley," his eyes zoning in on her hazel ones, "you were the last person to see him."

Harley broke her gaze with Brady and looked to the white wall to the side of her. She hated the detectives' eyes, all they were – were exactly identical to Justin's. A heavy sigh fell from her and she turned her head cracking her neck before letting her eyes fall once more on the detective.

"It doesn't matter, does it," she whispered, "he's already gone."


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To Be With You • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now