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Harley sat on the floor with her back leaning against the footboard, a tissue in her left hand as she blew her nose after every sniffle. Clutching the tissue box in between her knees and chest, her eyes never parted from the television screen, her attention hypnotized by the show playing in front of her.

It was nearing four A.M on a Saturday night and her parents were away on a business trip, allowing for her to easily sneak Justin in through the front door rather than her bedroom window for a sleepover.

The bedroom was dark besides the glow of her t.v when Justin stirred in his sleep. Harley had opted to watching Netflix shows on mute with subtitles on, not wanting to wake Justin, knowing this night would be one of the few he could sleep peacefully without any interruptions.

Rolling onto his side, Justin faced the direction of the bed where Harley slept. Smiling to himself he extended his hand to grab her sleeping frame only to be met with cold sheets. He sat up and focused his eyes to the darkness of the room, making out the empty space beside him. His eyes narrowed in confusion but softened when he noticed her huddled frame in front of the screen. Grabbing the pillows and comforter, Justin placed himself on the wooden floor beside her.

"What are you watching?" he asked, wrapping his arms around Harley and pulling her body into his chest. Harley rubbed her nose with a tissue and looked up at Justin pointing to the screen, "Violet and Tate."

Justin stared at her with a dead-panned expression the lightly chuckled underneath his breath, "American Horror Story at... four A.M" he added with a glance at the digital clock.

Harley nodded her head before letting it all against his chest. Justin laughed softly and leaned back against the bed, rubbing her back in a circular motion, "this show is depressing."

Harley's head snapped up and mimicked his once blank expression. "Only when Violet discovers she's been dead and Tate tried saving her," she grabs the remote from underneath her legs, using it to go back to the menu and search through the episode guide.

"They're so romantic," Justin muttered watching as she clicked on episode six. "Like Romeo and Juliet," she quoted. He smiled a half grin, "only your twisted mind would like that." Harley nodded her head and grabbed Justin's hand, bringing the back of his hand to her mouth and pressing a kiss to his skin, "mhmm."

To Be With You • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now