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"It's getting harder," Justin mumbled staring deadly ahead watching as the breeze lightly blew the tall grass. The sun had fallen just an hour before, the temperature dropping six degrees as the night sky took over.

Harley swallowed the harsh lump in her throat and peered at Justin from the corner of her eyes. Everything was taking a toll on Justin. He didn't have to say so for Harley to know he was slowly spiraling down a dark path. If it wasn't for his darkened eyes and bags, void expressions, and lack of emotion then his distance were a dead giveaway.

His blue eyes lost their shine and his hair hung low slightly shagged over his forehead instead of his normal short cut. His letterman's jacket was discarded for a sweatshirt and his jeans replaced with gray sweatpants – sometimes not bothering to change or shower.

Days, weeks, had past and Justin changed drastically – and Harley knew, this was only the beginning.

Placing her hand on Justin's knee, Harley gave the cap a tight squeeze before leaving it at a rest. She sighed and turned her head, resting her cheek upon the edge of his shoulder.

"I want it to get easier," she mumbled into his skin, her hand now trailing patterns across the edges of his kneecap. Justin placed his hand on top of Harley's and placed his fingers in the gaps of her own while looking down at her slightly.

Justin's jaw clenched, "I don't think it ever will," he muttered brushing his thumb over the side of her own. Harley sighed and breathed in his scent as if it were her last breath. She knew he was drowning in his demons – allowing his trauma to consume him alive and no matter how much she wanted to pull him afloat she knew she couldn't because he wasn't reaching his hand out to hold.

"I know," she whispered then placed a small butterfly kiss on his shoulder, "sometimes I just wish it could."

To Be With You • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now