chapter 13

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"I have just gotten out of a relationship, though six months ago but I am still soar. So could we start out as friends, first? I am still not ready for another relationship, doc." I said and looked at him. He had a soft expression.

"Of course, I shall wait for you, Eli- I mean Mia. I can understand that you're grieving over him." then he muttered something which I couldn't hear. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I will be by your side whenever you need me, okay?"

Awww how sweet of him!!!!

I am already liking this guy. But what is his name?

"Oh and by the way Mia, the name's Alexander." Having said that he gave me his handsome smile and walked out of the room.


It has been a month since I woke up from my six-month sleep and Alexander has been a really great friend. He helps me out in most of the subjects and I have been able to cover up everything that I had missed because of the coma. I have been getting great grades in all of my tests. He is the best. My mom has been pushing me into dating him, but I am still not over Travis. It is not like I love him anymore but it hurts me a bit, when I see him making out with that bitch Amelia, well she is not that bad though. So dating at the moment is not possible. You could just say I can't trust anyone any more.

Speaking of my ex, he does not even look a tad bit ashamed of what he had done to me. He is so happy and shows it off in such a way that I have realized that I was nothing but a one-night stand for this buffalo. He is always standing next to my locker with Amelia in his arms, trying to get a reaction from me. But all I show is a blank look on my face when I come there to keep my books. He has been failing all of his classes and he is not at all worried about it. He was the best student and a star according to the teachers, a sexy, charming prince according to the other girls at school, and a strong-willed guy according to me. Well that was because he had faced a lot of hardships in his life. His parents had died when he was forteen and he could not get the money his parents had saved up for him until he turned eighteen. So his grand mother came and stayed with him. As far as I can remember, he did not come to school for a week and when he did come back, he showed no signs of distress or depression. He always smiled at everyone who came up to him and showered their fake condolensces to him. Never had he started crying, whenever anybody brought his parents up. I still remember when he was sitting all alone eating lunch at the corner of the cafetaria, I had gone up to him and asked how he was doing. You know what he said? He said that he was very happy that he atleast did not have to take care of a broken spouse at his house and burst out laughing. That was the reason why I fell in love with him but never had I ever confessed my feelings to him. He was very optimistic about life. But now he is as good as dead. He is gone. The guy I fell in love with was gone. This was not the Travis, I fell in love with. He is now a fucked up jock who only ran around breaking every girl's heart. Well he only broke mine until now, I guess. He seems quite steady with his new girl friend, Amelia. She is the head cheer-leader and a stuck-up bitch. Well she is like that only if you infuriate her. She was really nice to me and still is. It does not matter to her that I was her boyfriend's ex-fling and she never talks about their relationship in front of me. That is what is good about her. Travis is also keeping his distance from me with the fear of getting a restraining order for the 'accident' he had caused. But he still needs to share his dirty spit with his girl friend right in front of me. That is what infuriates me. But I don't show it.

I had not realised that tears had streamed down my face. No! I am not going to cry over that bullfrog arse again. It has been a month. It is time I move on. Else I will never be able to get over Travis. I am going to ask Alexander out. Well even though it is him who has asked me out and I must just accept it, but still I can just tell him that I am ready. Ready to move on. Even my best friend Anika says the same. After all Alexander is just the yummiest guy I have ever seen. He is a really good guy. He is the one responsible for what I am. If he had not tutored me then, I guess I'd have never done well in my exams and he is always my knight in shining armour. The other day, I was coming back home after buying the groceries, two jocks who are friends with Travis pulled me into the alley and started beating me up black and blue. If Alexander had not been passing by that way, I'd have ended up in coma again. After he hit them and tied them up with a spare rope in his car, he asked them as to why they had hit me. They said that Travis had sent them to beat me up and rape me, till I die. I started bawling out in front of them. They also told me that they could not rape me because Amelia had secretly asked them to just hit me so that bruises appeared and I was not a rape victim.    

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