Chapter 3

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The paladins first noticed the blue paladin's frail condition when they were all supposed to go back to their lions. They noticed their favorite goofball walking towards his lion. 

Keith, surprisingly, noticed his pale skin and shivering figure first. However, before he could run up to Lance and ask what's wrong, he had already walked into the jaws of his lion.

He quickly brought it up to his teammates via comms, cutting off Lance.

"Wait, we have temperature adjusters in our suits. Why would Lance be cold?" Shiro inquired. "Pidge?"

"Already on it" Pidge said, typing on the hologram that popped up above her wrist armour.
"Strange, his armour seems to be in stable condition. His temperature adjusters are on its highest level"

"Wait, what if he gets frostbite? Or hypothermia? What if on the way here he freezes to death and we can't do anything? What if when we go to the castle we see his frozen corpse? Maybe it's a curse because of the planet. I mean, the planet IS cold but not THAT cold. What if-"

"Thank you, Hunk. But I think that'll be enough" Shiro cuts off Hunk's rambling as nicely as he could to not trouble the paladin. "We can just ask him when we get back. The castle is just above the atmosphere, I'm sure he won't freeze to death that fast"

Keith stood there quiet. Hunk's rambling actually frightened him. Not for himself, but for his teammate. However, he tried his  best not to show it. He really didn't know how to react. So, instead, he quickly ran to his lion.

Inside her cockpit, he dropped onto the pilot's chair and took a shaky breath. Surely, he would be okay. As soon as he gets back to the castle and gets some rest, it'll be over.

The sight of lance's pale face and dull eyes flashed in his mind. His quivering body gave of the idea that he skinny dipped in the waters of Antarctica with nothing but his swimming shorts. He can only hope that it was only a fever, or a cold, or something that wasn't life threatening.

Lance was one of the only people he fully opened up to. He would come to Lance for comfort when he felt didn't feel like bothering Shiro. Lance would always have an open ear for Keith. Keith would ramble about everything troubling him.

He would complain about the missions and about the Galra. He would complain about how Red would shut him out sometimes when he would pass through the other lion's hangars. And not only would Lance listen and give reassuring words; he would often give advice and make jokes to cheer the mullet up.

Lance would ask to spar with him when he felt bad- most of the time, Lance didn't have to ask if he was having a bad day. Lance would just... knew. He was happy he had Lance to confide in, and he was even happier to know that Lance would come to him for problems, too.

Keith felt stupid. Why was he worrying about Lance? He can surely come back from whatever's happening to him. It's just a fever, it's nothing to panic about. I mean, Lance wasn't actually in brink of death or anything...right?


His anxiety got the better of him as he grabbed the Lion's controls and pulled them forward, shooting Keith up to the sky. He didn't bother to check if his teammates were following him or not.

As soon as he pulled the red lion back into her hangar, he quickly bolted for the blue lion's. He wasn't sure if he was the first one back or if Lance had gone first. But his suspicions died down when he had arrived to an empty hangar that was meant to room the Blue cat.

He paced back and forth, not noticing the other figures running to the hangar. "Keith?" He didn't notice his leader's concerned call for him. Why isn't Lance back?

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