Chapter 4

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Months had passed

Since he had become the wielder of an elemental gem. The tear of the goddess. A gem that allows it's user control over water and ice. It also lets him have the ability to heal, strangely enough. 

Water is a cleansing, healing, psychic, and loving element.  Water has mastery over the rest of the elements.  

"Water swallows up the earth, extinguishes the flame, ascends on high, and by stretching forth as clouds challenges the heavens for their own, and the same falling down, becomes the cause of all things that grow in the earth, giving life to the people who dream." a previous gem wielder quoted. 

No wonder why the water gem had to choose first. With it's power over the other elements, water has to be their guide. Their mentor. Once Lance finds the other five wielders, they can help Voltron even more. They can become invincible.


That's not entirely true. With this much power, there will always be dire consequences. Lance, unfortunately, doesn't know. And that scares him. With this much power, there has to be a weak point. Something making him weaker.

His trial with the gem had gone by in less than two quintants. Lance was able to lock himself in his room; wielding his powers. The more he used them, the more the water left his lungs. 

As his skills in the witchcraft improved, he then transferred training areas. From working his magic in the small space of his room in his free time, to practicing underneath the ceiling swimming pool that no one but the Alteans knew how to use.

 It was usually abandoned and no one would come for a swim, so it was the perfect and safest place to practice his art in.

From only being able to lift a single drop of water in the air, to creating tsunamis and blizzards at will. Freezing opponents and creating a storm when needed.  

He used his powers during battles, of course; but he used them as discretely as possible. He still wasn't ready to tell the others. Mentally, of course. 

He would freeze the feet of soldiers and sentries to the ground, giving him a great advantage. He'd fill the inside of a sentry with water, short-circuiting the system. And maaaybe he would try to drown a few Galra soldiers by filling their helmets with water, but hey; they would still win.

There also seemed to be a new leader that had taken the throne in place of Zarkon. But no one had a clue as to who it is. Pidge couldn't find any intel on him through the Galran updates and communications, which means the new emperor was a secretive and mysterious character.

Not only had learned more about the the elements of gems, he had also learned of traditions of the planets that worshiped the gem and it's user. He knew about the previous holders of his gem, and how they used their newfound ability. 

Weirdly enough, he was the first male to actually bear the gem of water. Water was a feminine element, so it usually chose females.

 And because females held the element before him and the fact that the gem wasn't even touched for the past 150,000 decapheebs (years); it was safe to assume that the way the wielders would train was of dance. And it surprisingly worked.

That was why Lance was in the elevator, descending deeper and deeper into the castle. The pool was in the 3rd to the last floor, so it should be quiet and undisturbed. 

He wanted to see if the previous gem wielders' tactics in being in sync with water would work. He had the controlling, summoning, and manipulating part of his powers checked off, but he just couldn't move the way a water wielder should.

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