Chapter 6

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They looked at Lance expectantly. Keith and Hunk have already briefed the other two on what happened while Lance was healing wounded Fluitians. The team didn't say a word  to him until they reached the castle.

Once they were settled at the 'paladin lounge' (you know where the 70's couches are at); all eyes were on Lance. He had his gaze on his shoes, finding them more comforting than the gazes and expressions of the team.

Quiznak... they hate me now

Coran was wrong

Oh goddess, they are so mad at m-

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Keith's voice was dipped in hurt. Hurt? Why would he be hurt? "Don't you trust us?"

Lance looked up and saw the hurt in each of their eyes. "I-I...." Lance stuttered. His eyes fell back on the ground. Allura was also in the room, he realized only now; when she heard her voice.

Allura smiled softly at him, though her hurt expression shone through her eyes. "Lance, you can tell us anything. You know that... right?" Her voice was dipped with uncertainty at the last part. Have I hurt them that badly? Oh goddess, I feel guilty.

"I-It's just... I-I" Words barely made out of Lance's mouth. He couldn't tell them. He was too scared to tell them.

"Come on, Lance. We won't hate you" Hunk tried to soothe his best friend. He gave him an encouraging smile when Lance glanced up a second time.

"Lance." Pidge's serious voice cut through the atmosphere. "Do you even realize what you are?" Lance took in a shaky breath as he awaited her answer.

"Pidge..." Keith said,warning Pidge to choose her next words carefully.  

"YOU ARE BASICALLY KATARA FROM AVATAR, BUT WAY BETTER!" Pidge yelled out. Lance flinched back from her sudden outburst as everyone looked at Pidge. "I. AM. JEALOUS." Pidge admitted, throwing herself back onto the couch; sinking in. "Katara was the best character in the series"

A small smile played at his lips as he looked back at the ground. Shiro took notice. "Lance, you can trust us."

Lance took a shaky breath. 

"Okay... remember two months ago, when we first visited Fluti?"  The room responded with nods. Lance started fidgeting with his thumbs as he told everyone what happened. From the strange feeling in his chest to experiencing the trials of the gem, he told them every single detail.  

"...And, during free time and times when we were supposed to be sleeping; I trained at the swimming pool- since Keith usually hogged the training deck..." "Hey!" The team laughed at Keith's reaction.

Lance laughed with them. He was really happy he was able to tell them. It felt like being pulled out of the ocean after being on the verge of death by drowning. It felt like painful relief.

When the gleeful laughter faded away, Shiro's voice echoed through the room. "Lance, why didn't you tell us earlier?"

Lance froze at his leader's question. Everyone turned to Lance for an answer. They were shocked from Shiro's sudden question, but they all agreed that they wanted to know why. The blue paladin inhaled and gave a deep exhale. 

"I wanted to train first. Practice and master it as best as I could. It would've been useless if I told you guys right away. Heck, I learned how to lift a drop of water from a glass of water after 8 vargas of trying. Before today, I couldn't even move while I used my powers.  Controlling an element isn't as easy as it looks, you know." 

Shiro nodded in understanding. "We understand Lance, bu-" 

"And I guess a part of me was scared,too" Lance cut him off. He gripped the cushions of the sofa.

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