Chapter 7

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"Are there any fire planets in the area?" Lance questioned the Altean who was manning the control panel. Coran clicked a few buttons and the star map appeared.

Coran moved to the star system they were at and zoomed in, checking every planet. "Well, there is the planet Yong-am; but its surface area is too hot to even think about going there"

"We'll take the red lion and drift in its atmosphere; see if Keith could feel the gem. The red lion's metals are fire-resistant, right Keith?" Lance looked over to Keith sitting on his chair. Keith gave Lance a firm nod.

Shiro strolled to Lance and Coran. "Lance, are you sure we have to go to the fire gem first?" Shiro gave Lance a concerned look.

Lance nodded. "While I still have full energy, the best gem to take is Keith's; since my element is contrary to his"  Shiro placed his hand on his shoulder, giving him a nod of approval.

"Keith, Lance; I think you two should head to the red lion. We're going to be its area in 2 dobashes"

The two boys stood up and headed to the exit of the bridge. They heard a mantra of 'be careful's and 'good luck's as they left.

They both walked in silence. "Lance?" Keith broke the silence between the two. Lance turned to face Keith. "What if this isn't the planet? I mean, we've already been to 2 other fire planets and one of them had a giant lava worm"

Lance snorted at the memory. "Don't worry. Third times the charm, right?" Lance joked, his trademark  grin on his face. Keith smiled back.

They boarded the red lion and Keith took his place on the pilot's chair. Lance stood behind him, leaning on the wall. They placed their temperature adjusters to their coldest level- hoping it would be enough to keep the heat out.

Once Coran gave the okay to leave, the red lion sped out of its hangar and into vast space.They neared the lava planet.

As they entered the atmosphere, Keith started feeling a nagging sensation in his chest. It felt like a toddler lightly tugging on your jacket, asking for a hug or an extra cookie. He quickly turned to Lance, who gave him a look. He already knew Keith could sense it.

The red lion nose-dived into the planet, the heat slowly radiating through the walls. Lance gripped the back of Keith's chair tightly; as to not fly into the wall behind him.

The lion landed perfectly on the land made entirely out of Basalt. The environment around them was the perfect depiction of hell. Seas of lava and formations made out of basalt and other igneous rocks.

Keith grabbed his chest, gripping his chest plate. He and Lance exchanged glances. "Where to, lava boy?" Keith pointed up ahead. In the distance, they could see a long stretch of land lead to an island with a massive crater in the middle of it. Spikes of basalt and obsidian from the lava ocean surrounded the island. (A/N: See photo above as reference)

"Hm" Lance hummed. "That is one dramatic way to hide your gem. The last thing it needs is a dragon or someth-" The ground beneath them rumbled. They looked back at the island, somehow sensing that that was the source of the earthquake.

From inside the crater, a creature soared into the sky. Its roar echoed throughout the planet, causing a strong earthquake. The two boys tried to balance themselves as the being eyed them with its glowing orange eyes.

The being almost resembled a dragon; which looked like it was made out of the same material as the planet. Lava made the creature almost glow terrifyingly.

Lance quickly glanced at Keith, he had a panicked face; but tried his best to keep his composure. He quickly took a deep breath.

"Keith. Go"

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