Chapter 5

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  The bridge flashed red, the alarms blared through the comms  

Not 3 ticks later, Allura rushed into the bridge. Without acknowledging the two other individuals in the room, she ran to the control panel; answering the distress call that triggered the alarms.

"Greetings!" Lance quickly recognized the voice of the distressed caller.

"The Prince of Fluiti!" Allura turned to the meet the Cuban's gaze. She was confused. He was here earlier than her?

"The Emperor of the Galra has taken my people, along with the king and queen, as hostages! They are threatening me to... to..." Lance quickly took a step back and made eye contact with Coran. This can't be good.

"Don't worry, the lions are on their way. Voltron stands with you!" Allura said as calmly as she could, but there was still panic in her tone.

The communications cut off just as the Team Voltron came into the room. "What's wrong, princess!?" Shiro asked.

Shiro seemed to be the only one in armor. The rest were in their pajamas, bayards in hand. Allura would've scolded them if not  for the situation.

"The Fluitians need Voltron. The new Emperor of the Galra has taken their people and the king and queen as hostages. Get your armor, NOW!" The paladins rushed out of the bridge, leaving only Shiro, Allura and Coran in the room.

Lance slid into his room and quickly changed into his armor, which were scattered lazily on his bed. He grabbed his bayard and sprinted down the hall back to the bridge. Keith was close behind him.

They burst into the hangars, quickly getting their respective lions.


They were after the tear of the goddess. They were after him. Lance was silently panicking in the cockpit of his lion. However, a soothing purr wrapped around his mind. He took a deep breath.

"Thanks blue... I needed that" Lance muttered. If they were going to save the Fluitians, he has to have a calm mind. Calm as the ocean's waves.

They were quick to arrive to the ice planet, their lions landing on the soft snow. All at once, their heads lowered and their jaws opened; the paladins quickly sprinting out of their mouths.

They were surprised to see the eerily quiet and empty village in front of them. The village almost looks untouched, like it had been abandoned for months. 

"What the?" Hunk quickly asked. He and the rest of the paladins were confused. Where were the Fluitians? The Galra? 

Shiro quickly took charge. "Pidge, see if you can scan for any lifeforms nearby. The Galra could've easily hidden the Fluitians away. Hunk, you need to guard Pidge and the lions. Lance, Keith; you two follow me. We're going the search the castle. Maybe the Galras took refuge there"

They all gave out yes sirs before the set off to do their assigned task. Hunk took out his bayard and turned it into his weapon. Pidge went back inside her lion to use her heat scanners there. The black, blue and red paladin went to investigate the ice castle, that stood on top of the mountain. 

As they trudged through the white forest towards the castle, Lance felt someone watching them from the distance. But it almost felt like the eyes were burning through his back. The others also sensed the unknown stalker as they both came to a stop.

Keith and Lance quickly drew out their bayards and Shiro quickly readied his arm. They stood there silent, searching for any indication as to where their spy was.

After a few ticks went by, a rustling came from the tree above them. Lance quickly aimed his gun to the white leaves of the tree. 

"We know you're up there! Come down, now!" Shiro commanded. A second rustling came and suddenly a white figure jumped down. 

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