Leon's Point of View, first month of Spring
I have just returned from the border to try and help the villagers that live there, bandits have been destroying food shipments. I dealt with them and hopefully they will back off, I just want to spend the rest of the day with my Lilly. Once I get to my chambers I see a letter and my heart sinks, I rush over to pick it up hoping that I am wrong, but I am not. Lilly has left for Yacan to try to help, I knew that I shouldn't have told her about what the spy said! Just because the princess planed an assassination does not mean that we would not be able to stop her!
3 weeks later
Lilly told the king of Yacan and he was furious, as was my father but they both decided that an arranged marriage would fix everything! What a fucking joke! Oh yes, force me to marry the woman that was planning to kill me, what a wonderful idea you idiots!!
4 months later, first month of Autumn
Annabella is here now, but so is Lilly, she wouldn't stop apologizing for causing me to become betrothed to another woman. I was angry at first but I understood why she did it, I promised her that I would never touch her, it's only politics.
2 months later, first month of Winter
The wedding is today, Ingrid has been nice to Annabella because no one else would speak to her, she was sitting close to the middle on the seats. Right when Annabella walked passed her a man dressed in black stabbed her in the chest and then it was absolute chaos. I teleported to Ingrid and Annabella and got them to safety, I left Annabella in a locked room and took Ingrid to the infirmary and Samuel bursts through the doors. She was eight months pregnant, but she was able to deliver the baby before she died from blood loss. The healers couldn't heal her in time, whoever stabbed her must have used poison as well, Samuel was devastated. The baby was also affected and there is nothing our healers can do for her either. Before she died she said that Annabella would know the baby's name.
1 week later, second month of Winter
It was Ingrid's funeral, Samuel hasn't spoken since she died or even held their child. Annabella said that Ingrid wanted to name her Lacey if it was a little girl, she has also been taking care of her as well. Lacey has this scream that sounds like she is dying when someone else besides Annabella holds her. As the service ends Annabella, Samuel and I are escorted back to the palace as the fresh snow crunches underneath our feet.
7 weeks later, first month of Spring
Lilly and I are still together, I love her to much to just let her go. I have to find some way to get out of this marriage, I don't want to marry someone whom I have never exchanged a single word with.
1 week later
Annabella and Samuel found us in the garden last week doing.... My father was furious but Samuel was able to persuaded him to let Lilly and I wed instead! Ingrid was not Samuel's soul mate by any means, but they grew to love each other, but with Annabella, I have never seen him like this before. It was like reading some sappy love story that you can't help but read, their wedding is a few weeks after ours.
There is this eerie silence in my room, but I turn around and she a man dressed in black, I go to teleport out of the room but it was to late. I screamed out for Lilly, whoever this was stabbed me a number of times, everything goes black as the man disappears and guards barge in.
2 weeks later third point of view (AKA the author trying to make things simple)
It was a quite but a busy night, intruders had made their way into the palace. In short, Lilly's appearance was made to look like Annabella, Annabella was changed to look like Lilly. Leon's appearance was changed to look like Samuel and vice versa. The four of them ended up in each others rooms, to make this simple, the four of them were in a very drunk like state and ended up doing what drunk people do. So Annabella woke up with Leon thinking it was Samuel, and Samuel went to bed thinking Annabella was Lilly.
The Aurora Realm: Reincarnated
Fantasy19 year old Katie Walsh was the oldest of her five younger siblings, one year ago after she won custody of her siblings, she was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer from second hand smoke. Two months later she places two dozen white roses on two v...